Horrible Service

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     My brother frowned.

"I can't seem to pronounce the name of this place."

Obviously irritated, he tried once more to read the words written above the restaurant he insisted to go to.

"I think it's in French, that's why." I rolled my eyes, impatiently looking at the menu on display.

"I thought it was in Spanish." he replied absentmindedly.

"How could you have possibly mistaken French words for Spanish words? Boy, you must've been really deprived of food."

"The words all look the same to me," he answered with a shrug that almost made him topple over. He was already wobbling from hunger that I had to take hold of my his arm and pull him away from the site of the restaurant's name.

We entered the complex named restaurant and were welcomed by a petite, blonde haired girl who quickly led us to a small table on the right. We were handed to menus, one of which my brother used as a pillow.

"Hello! My name's Sarah and I'll be your server for today. If you need anything else," she clicked her pen. "just call."

She had gone far off, perhaps thinking that we would take long to find something with all the nasal sounding french words sprawled on the menu. I raised my hand and the waitress came back, holding her small notepad and pen."So what will both of you have for today?"

Michael showed the waitress his order by pointing to the menu. I chuckled, thinking to myself that he probably didn't know how to pronounce the name of the dish. "Can I have the 'omelette du fromage'?" he continued, saying the name of the dish perfectly. I actually didn't know if he said it correctly, but it sure sounded like he was choking upon saying "r", so it only proved he was a born French man.

"I'm sorry, but we don't serve that here."

"Where did you get that then?" I asked, half curious and half in disbelief at how my brother came up with some French dish that was actually being served in other places.

"I don't know," he leaned to whisper back. "Just heard it around."

"We'll get two orders of this instead," I told Sarah, who jotted down the name quickly.

"You do know that the english name is right below, right?" she answered me spitefully like it was something everyone knew by looking at the ant sized font.

Michael looked at the tiny inscription below the name of the dish he ordered and blushed.

"Oh sorry."

"Don't be! It's understandable." Her ferocious glances at me suddenly waned away and now she giggled, batting her eyelashes at my brother.

"She really wanted a big tip asap," I muttered when she left. Michael, dazed as ever, let his face fall on his empty plate.

A couple of minutes later, two other people came in to the place. Another waitress appeared and approached the table on the opposite side, welcoming the customers with the same greeting as Sarah's.

Soon after, a waiter came out of nowhere, holding a huge tray that seemed to glow in my eyes and my heart started to beat rapidly. Even Michael, with his superb radar senses, lifted his head from the plate in alarm.

Our eyes followed her as she slowly approached us.

Michael got his fork and knife ready and I did the same thing. My mouth watered, my head swirled, my stomach growled, I could almost taste the Eiffel tower in it!

He was now moving closer and closer to us and Michael and I were about to cry, explode with cheers, propose a toast to the man who eyed us weirdly. It was true after all! Not all heroes wore capes!

Then he passed our table.

"Are you serious?" I groaned. "I hate it when that happens."

But Michael, still looking at where he was heading to, put down his fork and knife with his eyes wide open.

"Well, look who got served first," derided Michael.

I looked directly at him, expecting him to say who, but he lost all interest and picked up his beeping phone from the table.

"Looks like Ashton's coming to join us in a few minutes."

"How'd he know we were eating here?" I freaked out.

"He just asked where we were and I told him. He said he wanted to come and see your lovely face." I hit my brother's arm and he smiled teasingly. "I'm joking. He should be coming in a few minutes."

Just then, the door of the restaurant flung open, revealing a very sweaty Ashton.

"Right on time." I said to Michael.

"What happened to you?"

"Ran...I...ran," he panted. "Didn't...want...to..be...late."

"Well mate, you're on time alright. Take a seat." Michael said, offering Ashton the seat next to me.

"So..anything...new?" Ashton plopped himself, trying to catch his breath.

I yawned. "Not really. We're just waiting for our orders."

"Hello! I'm so sorry your orders came late," said the familiar robotic voice that belonged to Sarah.

"Finally." Michael said, licking his dry lips.

But the smile in Michael's face quickly faded when she only handed out his dish.

"Where's my sister's food?"

The waitress looked at him, and not at me apologetically. "Sorry, I'll follow it up."

Then she looked at Ashton with the same appetency for Michael. "Are you going to order anything, sir?"

"Oh, uh yeah. I'll have this." he pointed to a random dish on the right side of the menu.

The waitress nodded and scurried away hastily.

After waiting for what seemed to be hours, Sarah appeared again.

"Here you go," she said, giving Ashton his order.

Michael frowned once again and asked where my food was. And again, the waitress gave the same response.

"The service here sucks." Ashton said right after the waitress went away. "I'm beginning to think that her motto is "serve the men first."

"Not like that's a bad thing." grinned Michael and Ashton nodded.

I glared at my brother who laughed uncontrollably.

"You know, I'm going to have a little talk with Sarah," I said. I excused myself and Michael cheered me on while he took a bite of food.

"You go get 'em!" he hollered, (in a more subdued way) flailing his arms around as if he were watching a soccer match.

I stood up and Ashton did the same.

"Hey, I can accompany you," he offered courteously.

"It's fine, really. Thanks."

He put his food down with a persistent desire. "Sure?" The way he said it was so convincing.
"Ok." I accepted his eagerness with a timid blush. "Thanks."

"And I'll just sit here all alone." Michael sniffed.

"On the bright side," I chuckled. "You get to eat."




-God Bless!-

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