An Improvised Speech, A Grammy and Another Deal

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I let go of Michael in a flash as I saw the members of Friday Funk jumping up and down, hurriedly making their way to the stage after.

"First place goes to Friday Funk" my teacher held his hand up, making everyone stop to look at him. "based on the teachers votes."

I scrunched my nose and looked at Michael who looked just as puzzled as everyone else.

Friday Funk continued to make their way to the stage as they each obtained a medal from the host.

"But how about the student's votes?" the host asked, and the crowd felt as ease again, hearing that their votes had still been counted, and not only the teachers. The members of Friday Funk stayed onstage; huge smiles were still plastered on their faces.

With all hope lost, I groaned and placed my hand on my head with head hung low. Humiliation was buliding up as I realized that it was not only embarrassing to lose twice. First, based on the teachers votes. Second, probably the students too.

"So second place...based on the students votes," my teacher added clearly. "Goes to Friday Funk!"

"What?" I bobbed my head up, hardly believing what I had heard. "Wait. What?"

The mouths of my band members dropped...

along with the members of Friday Funk.

"Well, don't just stand there! Come up here and get your prize!" my teacher announced enthusiastically.

As the four of us were about to go onstage, we remembered our fifth member: Ashton. "

"We can't go without him, right?" I protested.

"No, you can't," another voice piped in. I looked back and recognized those brown curls.


"Yes, that's me. So are we going to go or not?" he asked impatiently and it made me wonder how he just appeared in the first place.

The five of us now huddled together onstage, with Calum being the one to accept a different prize. Instead of five medals, one medium sized trophy resembling a grammy award was handed out.

"Anything you want to say?" my teacher poked me from the back and I shook my head sideways, shyly, but my teacher highly insisted I go. Because of this, I came up with the conclusion that the host actually liked our band enough to let us (well, me) give a speech. Luke nudged me slightly and gave me a nod.

"You can do it," he whispered, squeezing my hand lightly just before I went to the mic.

All eyes were on me now, but for some reason I didn't feel their cold stares. Instead, I felt their soft gazes, listening quietly, at me.

"Wow," I breathed out. "Well this is something new," I spoke loudly, even if I quietly felt like dying inside. "I didn't think this would actually happen. I'm very grateful--we all are. I'm glad that you enjoyed the performances so thank you so much to all of you. But also," I turned to side and pointed to the band. "I'd like to thank the band as well. They've made my experience so enjoyable and one hundred times better as well."

I gave the mic back to the host and all five of us descended from the stage.

Calum shook as he held the trophy with both of his hands.

"Who wants to keep it?" he showed it to all of us, expecting an answer already. But none of us said a word and silently admired what was before us. Because of this, Calum took it back and said, "Thanks, guys.Looks like I'm keeping it then."

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