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- i'm ready for ski to drop some music😩.


"ski are you serious bro!"  currently, we were fighting because he had the nerve to go to a christmas party with a bunch of his dumb ass friends and a bunch of other bitches.

why go to a party and let bitches lay all up on you while you have a girlfriend? who does that ?

"bae chill, it was just a little get together." he seemed like he wasn't phased by this at all but me on the other hand, i was pissed.

"oh just a little "get together"ski really dawg. that shit is not cool at all. there's so many things wrong with this," i say pacing back and forth. "one, you didn't even tell me where you were going, two you didn't even come back until the next morning, and lastly, you left me alone, worried about where the FUCK you went!"

"i'm here now baby, that's all that matters," he said grabbing me by my waist.

i pulled his hands off of me and gave him a stank face.

"that's not the fucking point stokeley! you do this shit all the time and you say you're not gonna do it again but you still do it. not only did you not tell me where you went, but there were other bitches there. imagine getting sent videos of other bitches being all over you boyfriend."

"i was doing anything with them though y/n!"

"that's the fucking point stokeley! you could've pushed them away or something but nooooo, you sat there and let them be all over you."

he moved away from me and sat down on the couch, putting his head into his hands.

"babe, it's not even that serious."

i stopped in my tracks and turned to him.

"not that serious? not that's serious?!"

"here we go-"

"but if i was doing the shit you doing, it would've been different right? if a nigga even looks at me, you're quick to get mad. like what kind of sense that even make stokeley!"

at this point, i was fuming. my brown face was slowly starting to turn red and my palms started to get sweaty.

"you already know i'm crazy ski. it's hard to keep my cool, when other bitches try to get with my dude! you wouldn't like it if other niggas were tryna get with me, would you?"

"no, i wouldn't."

"i rest my mothafuckin case."

by now, i was flushed. i sat down next to him and just put my head into my sweaty hands.

"imagine being publicly humiliated by someone that you love. you continue to make me look fucking stupid and i continue to stay."

"baby, i know that i've done a lot of bad things-"

"then why do you continue to do this shit to me stokes. you've hurt me countless times and it's so hard. i'm not even happy anymore man," i say as my voice starts cracking. tears started to slowly fall from my brown eyes.

he didn't say anything but wrapped his arms around my small frame. my emotions just started to all come out.

"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I FUCKING HATE YOU," i scream while hitting his chest. tears were still falling down my face and i felt so drained. "how come you don't love me like i love you," i ask him as i fall to the floor.

still, he said nothing. he crouched to the floor and hugged me, rocking us back and forth.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm so sorry," he said softly while sniffing. he was crying too.

"sorry doesn't mean anything coming from you," i said pulling away from him. "you say sorry just to do it all over again."

i was drained with no more tears left to cry.

"actions speak louder than words dude. until i see that you've actually changed, we're done."

i got up from the floor and went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. i looked at myself in the mirror and it was like i could barely recognize myself.

my face was tear stained and i looked pale. this man brings out the worst in me, literally. i then started to hear banging on the bathroom door.

"y/n please open the door! please baby! please," he yelled from the other side of the door.

i didn't say anything. i stared in the mirror and just started letting the tears fall. i've had enough of the pain he's brought me.

we used to be this happy couple and i don't know what changed. he started being more distant and i'm pretty sure he cheated on me, who knows with him.

i have to actually do better and be better for me, not him or anybody else. i'm tired of putting him before myself, knowing that he wouldn't do the same for me.

i open the door to ski about to knock on the door again.

"baby please, let me-"

i hold up my hand to make him be quiet.

"i'm done sitting here, letting you sweet talk me and make me think that you're gonna change when you're not. i'm done with the bullshit."

i walk into the room that she share together and i grabbed my suitcase out of the closet. ski followed closely behind me.

"y/n, what are you doing?! are you leaving?"

"what does it look like i'm doing," i say as i go to my drawer and pull out come clothes. "i'm going to jahseh's house for a few weeks, like i said, until i see change, we're done."

"please, please, please don't tell him about this. he's gonna kill me."

jahseh is my brother by the way.

"he already knew about the fuck shit you were doing, he just chose not to fuck you up," i say with a sarcastic smile.

i continue to pack my clothes until i was done.

"you know, it's really fucked up that you know that JAHSEH mf ONFROY is my BROTHER and you chose to break his little sisters heart. that's just asking for something bad to happen to you."

i turn away from him and walk to the door. like a little puppy, he followed close behind me.

"i promise, i promise that i will change. i don't care i long it takes, i'll do anything for you."

"that's just words ski, you gotta show me man."i put my hand on the door knob and open the door. "just know that my love for you will never change. but hopefully what will change, is you," i say with a small smile.

with that, i walk out the door and close it behind me. i pull my phone out my phone and press on the contact name, "my favorite brother🦋"

i put the phone to my ear and what until he picks up."

"howdy sister! what can i do for ya!"

he always knew how to make me smile.

"hello my favorite big brotherrrrr!"

"girl what you want? you only are nice to me when you want something."

no lie told there.

"i was wondering if i could stay with you for a few weeks?"

-i feel like my imagines are getting kinda eh now.. what kind things do y'all wanna see? feel free to leave some requests😗.

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