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-hope y'all enjoy this imagine! Please excuse any mistakes.

(TW⚠️: overdose is mentioned.)

Stokeley's POV

"Y/n! You still here? I'm home," I say as I walk into my house. I didn't hear anything. She told me that she was gonna stay here so it was kinda weird that I didn't hear her.

"Y/n? You here?"

I walk up the stairs to go into my room and I open the door to see her laying down on the bed, facing away from the door.


I walk up to the bed to shake her and I get no response. I walk around to the other side of the bed to see an empty pill bottle on the night stand. It then hit me.

She overdosed.

"Yeo what the fuck? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!"

I immediately pull my phone out of my pocket and call 911. They said an ambulance would be on the way.

"Y/n please stay with me. I can't lose you too. Please."

5 minutes later, the ambulance came knocking on the door. I picked her up and I ran down the stairs, being careful not to drop her, and they took her from me.

"Can I please go with her," I ask them. I couldn't leave her alone, I need to be by her side.

"Are you her family sir?"

"Uh, I'm her brother." I had to lie, I need to be with her.

"Come on sir, follow us."


We made our way it to the hospital and they rushed y/n into the emergency room. I got out and I went to follow the paramedics into the room but one of the nurses stopped me.

"Sir you can't go back there."

"Please let me go, I can't leave her. Please." My eyes started watering and tears started falling down my eyes.

"Im sorry sir but I can't let you back there. But you are welcomed to stay in the waiting room."

I wipe away my tears and make my way to the waiting room.

I hoped and prayed to God that she was okay. I can't lose her.

It's been two hours and I haven't gotten any word back from y/n yet. I was getting so worried.

"Y/f/n/ y/l/n?"

(your first name, your last name)

I shot out of my seat and I made my way to the doctor.

"Is she okay sir?"

"Good news, we were able to pump her stomach and extract the pills from her. She is doing fine now but she is very weak and she needs to eat and drink. If you would like, you can go to her room and see her. Her room number is 777."

"Thank you so much." I went into the back room and I found the room and I knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard her faint voice say.

I walked into her room to see her laying in her hospital bed. Her once beautiful brown skin was now pale and her eyes had big bags under them. She looked so different. She looked so sick.

"Hey stokes." Her voice sounded so faint and soft.

"Hey girl. I'm so glad you're okay. But What the fuck were you thinking y/n!" I walk to the side of her hospital bed and pull and chair and sit down.

"Um. I don't really remember what happened. Can you tell me?"

"You fucking overdosed y/n. I could've lost you. I'm tired of losing the people that are the closest to me."

"S-ski I'm sorry. I was really just fucking tired of everything. My family is a fucking mess, my life is a fucking mess, I'm a fucking mess in general. I've held up all these emotions inside of me for years on end and I just thought why not just end it all. All the pain and all the worries would all go away. And I could finally be happy. I felt so alone and I felt like I had nobody. I know your my like my one and only best friends but I really didn't wanna bother you with my problems."

Wow. I was completely speechless. She felt this way for so long and didn't say anything to anyone.

And the sad part about it is that I didn't even notice. She was so good at hiding her emotions that I didn't even notice that she was fucking depressed.

"What a friend I am," I say as I put my head into my hands.

"Hey, look at me," she said to me. I look up at her and wait for her to say something.

"I don't want you putting your self down for this. I don't want you to beat yourself up. You've already been going through enough. Ever since jah and jarad passed, I know it's been very hard for you. I know you try so hard to put on a show for your fans but I know the real. I know your not happy and it's okay to not be okay. It was very selfish of me to only think about myself while taking those pills. I really don't want you going through anything like that again and I'm so sorry for trying to leave you. I put this on my fucking life that I will never do some shit like that ever again. Some people don't have the opportunity to be saved but luckily I got the chance. And I'll forever be grateful for that."

(A/N: y'all I- 🥺.)

"Wow. I don't even know what to say. You got a nigga crying and shit," I say softly laughing while wiping my eyes.

"But all jokes aside. I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me to talk about these kind of things. You know that you can talk to me about any and everything, no matter what it is. And I want you to know that I will always be there for you like you are for me. I was being so selfish and only worrying about myself and I never asked how you were doing and how your day was. And I wanna apologize for that. From now on, we have to talk to each other about everything, no matter what it is. Promise?" I held out my pinky finger.

She held out her pinky finger and connected it with my mine.

"I promise."

"Now scoot ya lil ass over girl. I'm tired as hell and I'm not tryna sleep in an uncomfortable ass hospital chair," I say laughing.

"Get yo fat ass in the bed bitch," she said laughing. I loved seeing that smile on her face again.

"Girl you lucky we in a hospital or we would have been fighting," I say laughing as I climbed into the hospital bed with her. I put my arms around her waist ands she put her head on my chest.

"I love you Stokeley. Thanks for staying with me."

"I love you too y/n. And anytime, that's what friends are for."

-question of the day: what music genres do you like to listen to?

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