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-hope you enjoy this imagine! Please excuse any mistakes.


"Juice! Leave me alone!" I yell at him as I run around the backyard. To explain what's happening a little bit, me, Jarad, ski, Gabe, and Danny are having a little get together since we haven't  really hung out together in a while.

And to explain why jarad is chasing me is because I smoked a tiny bit of his weed. I couldn't help it, he got the good shit.

(A/N: Jarad is single in this, also rip bby🥺.)

"Girl bring yo fucking ass here! Smoking all my good shit. Come here!"

His fat ass finally caught up to me and grabbed me from behind and picked me up and spun me around.

"Ew, put me downnn!" He put me back down but he stayed behind me, with his arms still around my waist, and whispered in my ear.

"Don't ever let me catch yo ass smoking my shit again, ya hear me?

"Alright, let me go now."

He then got in front of me, and kept his arms around my waist.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?"

He was such a flirt.

"Thank you Juice," I said blushing looking down at the ground.

I knew he had feelings for me. And I kind of had feelings for him too. But I also kind of had feelings for ski too.

I really didn't know what to do though. I was stuck. I didn't know who I wanted more.

He then pulled me in for a tight hug and then left to go sit by the boys.

Stokeley's POV

I watched the two run around the backyard. I kept my eyes on them every second. He then picked her up from behind and spun her sound in the air. He then put her down and whispered something in her ear.

I don't know what the fuck he's telling her but she's blushing and shit. Now their hugging. If this ain't some shit.

He then finally let go of her and he made is way over to where me, Danny, and Gabe were sitting.

"Wassup y'all."

Danny and Gabe said hey back and I just modded my head.

"You good dawg," Gabe asked me.

"I'm good," I said back to him.

Y/n then came from where she was and she came to join us. She came and sat on my lap. There wasn't any other place to sit.

I was not expecting that. I think I lowkey started blushing. She wasn't my girl or anything but I really did like her. And I would like to hope that she likes me too.

"Aw look at the beautiful couple," Danny and Gabe said. Juice didn't say a word and just looked at her while she was on my lap. He then winked at her and she blushed.

Oh! So this nigga wanna play games? So let's play games.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and start slowly rubbing her stomach. She had on a big t-shirt so I had to put my hand under her shirt.

"Ouu ski, lets make some videos." She pulled her phone out and we started making some videos. She started moving around on my lap so of course my dick got hard. I think she noticed cause she whispered in my ear,

"I think I woke your lil friend up. You need to go fix that?"

"One, it's most definitely not little, and two, nah I'm good. I want you to feel it mamas."

(A/N:oof, waterfallsssss LMAOOO)

"Boy you is nastyyy, but okay," she said while softly laughing. We stopped making videos and just chilled. That nigga juice was looking kinda bothered so I decided to make him more mad. I turned her face towards me and kissed her on her cheek.

She paused for a second and stared at me and then just went back to what she was doing. She didn't seem to mind.

But Jarad most definitely noticed.

"Woah, so y'all together or something," Jarad asked us.

"Yeah that's my girl." Simple as that.


"I- um, y-yeah."

"Oh well I'm happy for y'all," he said with a small smile on his face.

"When were y'all hoes gon tell us this," Danny asked us.

"We were gonna let y'all find out. It's more fun that way," I said laughing.

"Well I think I had enough for today, imma head out. Imma talk to y'all later," Juice said as he got up from his chair and went into the house.

"Wait, Jarad." Y/n got up from my seat and left to go meet him.

The fuck is she chasing him for?


"Wait Jarad." I get up from skis lap and chase after him.

When I reached him and he had his hand on the door.

"Wait, please don't leave."

"Why do I need to stay? Clearly you're occupied with ski." He turned around around and faced me. "You knew that I liked you y/n."

Know I felt really bad.

"I-I know and I'm sorry. I didn't know ski liked me. I was just going along with it. I promise you that I didn't know anything. Please don't leave."

"Do you like him y/n?"

I mean, I did kind of liked ski. He was like my best friend and he was always there for me.

But Jarad was always there for me when ski wasn't.

"I- I don't know. I think so. I'm not sure what I want Jarad," I sighed as I put my head into my hands.

"Well, when you make your decision, let me know. I'll talk to you later."

And with that he left.

I just started at the door for a minute and just shook my head. I then went back to the boys.

I sat in the chair that Juice was once sitting in and I placed my head into my hands.

"Guys, I really fucked up."

-most definitely gonna make a part 2 for this.

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