Chapter 9

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Here we go, into the Underworld! Wheeee! I'm running out of people to dedicate chapters to... If you want a chapter dedicated to you, please pm me! This chapter is dedicated to all the authors here on Wattpad. It's nice to read stories on here, written by people who understand each other 😁

The Underworld was not a very lively place.

Of course, it was the land of the dead, so that was expected. The area was dark, gloomy, and... well, full of dead people. Screams and wails from the Fields of Punishment could be heard from miles away. And the River Styx wasn't very jolly either.

Poseidon had created an opening in the Styx so they could enter the Underworld without being spotted by Hades' giant guard dog, Cerberus.

After leaving the Styx, Carlos looked back and winced at the souls traveling through the murky green water. Hopefully they would make it out of the Underworld and avoid joining that pool party.

"Is that-" he heard Jay gasp. He turned and held back his breath.

There stood a ginormous palace. It was made entirely out of a glittering black stone. Smokey clouds surrounded it, and ghosts swept in and out of the windows. Past the gate was a huge garden, which surrounded the pathway to the front doors of the palace. It was full of mushrooms and luminous plants, all glowing a light blue. The garden also had diamonds and rubies sprouting from the ground. The precious rocks glittered from the light of the plants. Past the garden was an orchid of pomegranate trees, which Gil eyed hungrily at.

"Here's where we part ways," Poseidon told the teens as they entered the garden. The fact that the sea god was Mal's uncle made Carlos feel uncomfortable. It was strange, really. He wondered how many relatives Mal had on here dads side.

Next to Poseidon stood Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Her eyes dashed around, studying everything she saw. Her brunette hair was streaked with blue and it was styled in a messy braid. She wore Grecian armor and an elegant cape. Her right hand held on to hilt of her sword, ready to pull it out of her scabbard for any attack. Carlos decided that he would never mess with any one who had that look of determination on their face.

"You kids will look for the Earth Stone while Athena and me will-" Poseidon said.

"It's 'Athena and I will,'" Athena huffed."If you are going to say something, at least say it right."

She had a British accent, which made Carlos wonder if she preferred Britain over Greece.

"Oh, whatever," Poseidon groaned. "We'll just throw ourselves into Tartarus and grab Hades. Then we'll be out of here."

"You make it sound so easy," Lonnie grumbled.

"Eh, what's that palace made of?" Harry wondered, glancing greedily at the diamonds and rubies on the ground.

"Obsidian..." Poseidon glared at the pirate.

Harry smiled. "That's an expensive rock, isn't it?"

Athena cleared her throat.

"Let remember that we are here for the Stone," the goddess of wisdom said, "and that stealing from the Underworld has a penalty that includes both a painful death and afterlife."

Harry just shrugged. Carlos had to hold back a laugh. Somethings never change...

"I would also like to add that if you eat the pomegranates, you will be stuck here forever," Athena stated, looking directly at Gil. He hung his head sadly.

"This garden is beautiful!" Jane breathed. Carlos took time to admire how her eyes sparkled as they reflected the light of the garden.

"Yeah, beautiful..." he agreed, not talking about the garden.

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