Chapter 6

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Chapter dedication: my two older brothers, ages 18 and 22, who went off to boot camp to become marines and serve the USA.

Okay, remember how in the part "Just to Let You Know," I said I was going to put a little Disney twist to Greek mythology? I'm going to explain myself now. (If you don't read Greek mythology or anything for the Riordanverse, skip this part and just enjoy the story, it won't matter to you if you're clueless.)

For the greek mythology readers: I'm going to make Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus the only children of Kronos. It makes more sense in the Disney universe, especially with Hera being Hercules' mother. So I'm going to put a few twists in the original stories. But don't worry, I'm not changing much. Okay, go ahead and enjoy, I'm done. (aah, that was a lot...)

"Where's the fire?" Jay had joked when he got to Castle Beast.

Mal had texted him to get to the palace asap, so he, Lonnie, and Jane stopped doing basically nothing to see what was up. Looking at the pale faces of Mal and Ben, Jay knew that he had said the wrong joke.

Apparently, there had been an actual fire.

Lumiere had escorted the teens into the kitchen and told them to wait until Mal and Ben finished their second meeting of the day. (There was only supposed to be one meeting that day, but things can happen, like immortal's possessing other immortals and trying to destroy everyone. You know, that kind of stuff.)

Evie had been waiting there and was on the phone with Doug when they sat down. She hung up with her boyfriend and quickly caught the rest up.

"Okay, so you're saying that Hades is possessed, Maleficent's back, and we are probably going to die because there is no known plan?" Jay asked.

"Pretty much," Evie replied, pursing her lips in concern.

"Oh, awesome," Jay said.

They waited. Then they waited some more. Jay remembered how Mal always complained about how boring the council meetings were. Waiting for the meeting to end was making Jay fall asleep in his chair.

After waiting some more, Carlos had arrived, soon followed by Doug, Audrey, and Gil.

"Wait... Who's Kronos anyway?" Gil asked.

"He's the lord of time and the old king of the universe and the Titans-" Doug began.

"What's a Titan? And how do you even know this?" Gil interrupted.

"I- uh, I've researched for, um, fun..." Doug said, turning red. He blushed, even more, when he saw Evie grinning at him with admiration. Doug cleared his throat. "Uh, anyway, the Titans are kind of the older versions of the Greek gods, but not as powerful as the newer generation. It's really a long story, but I think we might have time."

"And maybe even more than that," Jay yawned, exhausted from sitting down.

Doug nodded. "When Kronos defeated his father, Ouranos-"

Jay and Gil snorted. Carlos rolled his eyes and the girls glared at them.

"-he became paranoid about the warning Ouranos had given him," Doug continued. "Ouranos had told Kronos that he would be cursed to be overthrown by his own child if Kronos destroyed him. Kronos destroyed him anyway. During his rule, Kronos was pretty unfair and harsh. He broke promises, killed mortals for fun, and terrorized his fellow Titans. When his wife, Rhea, became pregnant, Kronos' paranoia overcame him. When their firstborn son, the one and only Hades, was born, Kronos grabbed the baby and swallowed him whole-"

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