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One could say that the wedding of the King and Queen was the event of the century.

Everyone in the kingdom had arrived to see good and bad officially united- quite literally, for the King's name meant "good" and the Queen's meant "bad".

The well-anticipated wedding had finally arrived two months after the battle against Kronos- or "the Kronos Incident" or "the Pre-Titanomancy" or whatever one wished to call it. Reporters had rushed to the battle scene soon after it was over. This was to be the biggest deal of the year after all, at least until the wedding.

Reporters and paparazzi and such couldn't wait for the wedding. Auradon had a recent history of "unexpected events" happening at such large celebrations. And this was the first celebration to ever have both heroes and villains side-by-side, celebrating the same thing.

Everyone expected the villains to do something. But the villains had respect for the future Queen- or at least that's what they said. It was partly respect and partly fear of her large family that would smite them in an instant. But mostly respect!

The wedding was glorious, filled with people from every Kingdom. And anyone who wasn't wearing something from Evie's Four Hearts was simply left out and surrounded by the beautiful and unique designs of a Vk- well, besides the glorious Cruella De'Vil, who refused to wear anything that she didn't make; and her designs were truly breathtaking.

Friends from everywhere came. Freddie Facilier, who was going on tour soon, was thrilled and honored to sing at her friend's wedding. This was also the first time her sister and father would see her perform- and they couldn't have been more proud.

And a few tears were shed, though most who were accused would deny it forever.

As for the King and Queen? They couldn't keep their eyes off of each other. They could finally call each other husband and wife- king and queen. True Love together, for better or worse.

Queen Mal laughed as her king fed her a strawberry. Queen... She didn't think she would get used to that title, no matter how many times it was used.

She looked gorgeous in the wedding dress Evie had made her. Her blue and purple hair flowed past her shoulders and made her stunning green eyes stand out more than ever. Her dress was of course white with a rich purple and swept almost magically across the floor.

As for the king, he looked rather sharp in his royal blue suit. The King's crown sat upon Ben's soft brown hair, which matched and twinkled similarly to the diamonds on the Queen's crown upon his wife's head.

Ben chuckled and leaned in, using a napkin to wipe leftover strawberry juice off of her mouth.

"Ah. You just can't take me anywhere," Mal laughed.

Been laughed again and beamed at her. "I love you, Mal. More than anything."

This had been about the tenth time he had told her that, but she could listen to him say it all day long.

"And I love you, my king," Mal leaned in and softly kissed him.

Someone cleared their throat behind them. "Excuse me, your Majesty. I hope you don't mind if I borrow your queen for a bit."

Mal turned and grinned. The Lord of the Underworld grinned back, giving her a small wink.

The spell Mal and Uma had used to bring him back had indeed worked- and he had been rushed to Olympus so that the gods could heal his wounds. Most healed quickly, as he was a god, but wherever Kronos' cursed blade had cut left white scars... The blade was cursed, after all.

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