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When we arrived to the hospital, everyone cleared way once they saw our kuttes. They took Eris straight through the swinging doors once they saw the amount of blood covering her. That had been an hour ago and no one has said anything to any of us about her condition.

Another hour later and a doctor in a white jacket comes straight towards the large group of bikers. I have to give it to him, he didn't look nervous to be approaching us. "Eris Mackie."

I shot up and walked to him, "That's us."

He shoots me a look of disbelief before sighing, "She'll be okay. She's cut up and bruised but that's it, no extremely serious injuries. She is asleep because of the painkillers, so only one can go back right now." I look to Chaos' biological family with pleading eyes and they just nod.

"We'll be at home now that we know she's safe and okay. We'll be back tomorrow, take care of our girl; no more fuck ups," her father states with his hand on his knife.

"Of course, I promise." I hug him and follow the doctor to Chaos' room. He opens the door and walks away, leaving only me and my love. It's a frightening sight to see—the love of your life laying in a hospital bed. Even if I know that she's completely safe and there are no life-threatening injuries, it makes me sick to my stomach to see her laying unconscious in a hospital. The only time I should see her in a hospital is when she's birthing our kids.

With that thought in my mind, I think of her unborn child, Gaia. How Eris ran away from home and had a miscarriage all by herself. She lost a child and I wasn't able to be there for her. It makes sense that she felt the need to leave, didn't want to face all of us. I can't believe that bastard impregnated her, and then had the nerve to beg for forgiveness. I wish she could kill him, I wish she had a daughter, I wish I was there for her; we could have raised a beautiful little girl.

I didn't realize I had been staring at her until she woke up, "Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to stare?" she chuckles and winces before sighing, "What's wrong, baby?"

That's why I love her; she was beaten and tortured and the first thing she asks is what's wrong with me. Fucking incredible and I wouldn't change a thing. I love her with my entire being and it makes me feel even worse that I wasn't there when she was kidnapped. It was partially my fault, she was right and I just stormed out on her because I didn't want to face the facts.

"It's my fault. You're here in this bed because of me. Why aren't you mad at me?" I'm practically whispering at the end.

She sighs, "It was and never will be your fault. Your mother and Lolly are lying, conniving bitches. And I am mad at you, but not about that, about how you didn't believe me or give me a chance to explain, you asshole. But I get it, she's your mom, so I forgive you." I nod, not convinced but I'm not going to start an argument.

We sit in silence for a few minutes before she breaks it, "Her name was going to be Gaia. She was going to be beautiful, strong, smart, courageous. I ran away because I couldn't tell you that I was pregnant with my rapist's child. I was in love with you and I didn't want you or anyone else to be disgusted by me. I left, miscarried, and now I'm back."

I stay silent and she must have interpreted in wrong because a few tears roll down her cheeks before she turns away from me. I take her hand and gently kiss it, "If you had stayed and had her, we would have raised Gaia together. We would have a big cottage style house with trees surrounding it. we'd have a swing set in the back and it'd be close to the compound. She would have been the new Club Princess. We could have started our love story a little earlier.

'But she's gone and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that you had to lose her on your own. I'm sorry that I didn't try hard enough to make you stay. She's gone but we'll make her a memorial. We'll make her known. She will be forever loved, by everyone, including me. I would have loved her as my own daughter and that is all she would have ever known."

Throughout my speech, I had moved behind her back on the bed and pulled her to my chest. She was bawling by the time I was done and I had let out a few tears of my own, picturing what could have been.

"I love you, so much, Vinny," she says between sniffles.

"I love you, too." We sit quietly before I speak again, "You know, once we get married, I'm building you that cottage, and we'll have tons of babies."

She giggles before sniffling again, "Well then pop the question, big guy."

I reach into my pocket and sigh, "Well since you asked so kindly. Eris 'Chaos' Mackie, will you do the honors of marrying little old me? I know it's not romantic since we're covered in tears and blood in a hospital, but you are the love of my life. I've already got the plans and the contractors for the house, it's just up to you to say yes."

She quickly turns around and grabs my neck, smashing her lips to mine. This, right here, is the best kiss of my life. It's so raw and passionate that I can feel it everywhere: from my hair to my toes. We pull away for air and I smile softly, "So is that a yes?"

"Yes," she whispers.

The Return of Chaos (Hell's Angels MC)Where stories live. Discover now