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"Hey, ma," Jason mumbled as soon as we walked into the bar. He wandered up to my girl like a lost puppy and clung to her like a child. I couldn't help but be a little jealous even though their relationship is a mother/son relationship. Both Cronos and War look from the prospect to Chaos and back to me with wide eyes and open mouths. I shook my head in a way to tell them not to say anything.

"Hey, cub," she smiled and kissed his cheek. She led them to the corner booth and they sat down. He leaned his head on her shoulder and wrapped his thick arms around her waist. We all climbed in with them and I sat down next to Eris, putting my head on hers and kissing the top of it. Cronos had yet to say anything about our relationship but I knew it would be coming soon. "How are you?"

"I'm happy," he said with a soft smile while looking up at her. He seemed so child-like in that instance and I realized I didn't find myself so jealous right now. After all that he had went through as a child, he deserved a mother-figure, a woman to guide and help him, even if it is years too late.

"I'm happy to hear that, baby." She kissed his head and wrapped her arm around his shoulder as he tried to merge his body with hers by wrapping his arms tighter around her waist.

We all heard a throat clear and we looked to my father at the end of the table. He was looking at Jason with a questioning gaze so Chaos took the lead and sighed. "This is cub, the little kid at the diner I spent the day with eight years ago? Do you remember that?" All of their eyes lit up and they all nodded. "Small world, huh?"

She smiled and I couldn't help but stare at her. She could literally light up the room. She's the embodiment of light and happiness. When I look at her, I see my future and my end. I see it all with her, she is it for me, there will never be anybody else.

My moment was ruined by the alarms blaring. Chaos tensed and jumped over the table before yelling at somebody to look at the cameras. Everybody was running around, too scared to disobey her. She looked angry and fierce and ready to fight.

We all sprung up and grabbed the guns hidden around the room and on our bodies. Someone handed her a laptop with all the camera angles open and switching back and forth. Her body relaxed and everybody tensed even more when she started to laugh. She set the laptop down and moved to the door while muttering crazy fuckers under her breath while chuckling. She was going to open to door before I pulled her wrist back.

"Yes, baby," she questioned with a lazy smile. I looked at her, confused. Our alarms were blaring only minutes ago and she looked like she had the best sex of her life.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I roared.

Her face hardened and she took a step towards me. She had to look up to me but the look and her body position was enough to make me piss my pants. "Watch how you're talking to me, boy. I may be your lady and we may be equal but we both know who would win," she hissed. She glared at me and I glared back but her stare was too intense and I looked away from her first. "That's right. If you would have calmly fucking asked I would have told you my second family is here, asshole."

She threw the door open and strode through it, not looking back once. The whole club let out a collective breath before following her out. I went close to last, followed by Cronos, War, and my parents.

"Dude, I don't know what the fuck she was taught but I'm pretty she is the only person I'm scared of," my dad whispered and we all nodded back at him.

When we finally got through the crowd, there were eight men in total on the other side of us and they all huddled around my girl giving her hugs. They were all whispering and honestly I just wanted to blow someone's head off but I couldn't because I know she considers them her family.

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