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When I woke up, it was completely black, I was still naked, and it was absolutely freezing. I tried moving my arms, but failed when I realized that I was still chained to the ceiling and I had lost all feeling in them, meaning I had probably been hanging like this for a while.

I looked down at my body and winced at the sight of it; before I had gone unconscious, bruises were only at my wrists and ankles, now looking at my body, almost every inch of it was bruised and I was grateful for the cold because I couldn't feel a goddamn thing.

There was only one large cut on my thigh, and it wasn't necessarily a cut, but a carving: "Thomas". I was disgusted, now if I made it out alive, I would have a constant reminder that I was here and he had wanted me and touched me before.

I was too busy caught up in my pitying to realize that the door had opened and now three people stood before me staring at me. "Are you admiring my claim?" I was startled at his voice but didn't dare show it.

I slowly raised my eyes up to meet his, "No, I was busy thinking about just cutting the whole damn thing off so I wouldn't have to see it again." His smile slowly faded and he let a slow exhale.

"C'mon, baby, don't be like that. You wouldn't have accepted it willingly so I just made it. . . forceful," he says through gritted teeth.

"Ah yes, like every other thing you have done to me in my stays, right?" I manage a chuckle and he apparently doesn't like that because next thing I know, his hand is wrapped around my throat and my already suspended body is in the air even more, my toes not touching the ground anymore.

"Yes, because you are a tough son-of-a-bitch and you can't make anything easy for me."

I debate on replying, knowing I'll probably get beat again if I say something, but I'm willing to take that risk. "Actually, I'm a daughter. I have a vagina and boobs, as you already know; I mean, I'm naked so you would have to be blind not to be able to tell. Are you blind Anne?"

The other two men in the room chuckle before Thomas shoots them a glare and they quickly shut up; however, I am still chuckling. My joke was pretty funny and emasculating him just made it even better. Thomas Anne thrives off ability to ensue fear in the weak, and he does so by proving that he "isn't" weak and that he has the power to wipe their existence off the face of the earth. Me? He lost my fear the moment I started boxing, the moment I become stronger than him and his pathetic team. He lost my fear the moment I realized that he was weak.

"You're right, you do have a nice, pretty pussy. Don't you remember, boys? It was so warm, so tight. When I was balls deep in you, no protection. Imagine if you had gotten pregnant," he mutters while kissing my neck.

I still under his hands. The thing is, I was pregnant. That's another reason I ran away. How do I tell the man and the people I love that I was pregnant with a baby that was conceived from rape. I even know who the baby's father was because Thomas was the only one who chose to never wear a condom. But then I thought about it, did he want me to get pregnant? What would he do if I told him that I was pregnant?

"Oh, boss man, I thought you were smarter than that. I had no protection, you never wore a condom. Did you really think I wasn't pregnant?" This time, he stills at my words and I can't help but let out a chuckle. "Wow, you are dumber than I thought."

He looks me right in the eyes and steps back, almost like he was struck. He looked absolutely heartbroken, like someone shattered him and I knew I had him. I knew that was his goal and I knew that what I told him next would kill him.

"You know, you killed her? After I escaped, I was so angry and so depressed, and then I found out I was pregnant. I was going to raise her on my own, I was going to keep her. But like I said, I was so depressed because of what happened to me, because of you, I lost my chance at having a daughter." His eyes started to water and for some reason, that made me even happier; I know it shouldn't, I had lost my daughter, but seeing him in pain because of my words is something I will never forget.

"I had a daughter?" His voice cracked and his shoulders slumped. He looked at me and a few tears ran down his face.

"You did. I was going to name her Gaia. You ruined everything for me, including my daughter," I whispered, this time I had a few tears of my own.

"Gaia," he whispered, as if testing the name. He fell to his knees before me, wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning his forehead on my stomach. "Oh, my god. Please forgive me. Gaia. I'm so sorry. I had a daughter. Please forgive me," he begged for my forgiveness but I knew it would never come, and so did he.

"You will never have my forgiveness, but you do owe me answers. Why did you take me then, and now? Who was giving you information?" He took in a breath before standing up and walking to the door.

"I was paid to take you. Her name was Marigold and the other was a woman named Lollie. I'm not sorry for taking you, but I am sorry that I was the reason we lost our daughter."

"That is why you are going to die a slow death, Thomas Anne, and she was my daughter. She was never going to be yours." Before he could respond, the door bust open and my man, and my family was standing in the doorway, guns raised.

"Now, boys. We've killed everyone upstairs. Now it's you three against us four, and we all know we're stronger. Do you want to take that chance?"


"That is why you are going to die a slow death, Thomas Anne, and she was my daughter. She was never going to be yours," I could hear Eris say. I was shocked, and frozen in my spot. My girl had been pregnant with this monster's child and she had lost her daughter. She had never told anyone and I can't believe she had held onto that secret for this long. I can't be mad at her though because it was her secret and I'm sure she was devastated.

I unfroze before Thomas could reply and kicked the door open. There were only two other men with them and Chaos was hung by her wrists to the ceiling. "Now, boys, we've killed everyone upstairs. Now it's you three against us four, and we all know we're stronger. Do you want to take that chance?"

Unsurprisingly, they did want to take that chance, and tried to pull their guns but we were faster and shot them all in non-life threatening areas for further. . . interrogating purposes. I ran to Chaos as Cronos, my father, and War handled the wounded men.

Upon further inspection, I realized that she was naked and covered in dark bruises but what was most disgusting was the word carved into her thigh, "Thomas". She must have saw me looking in disgust because the words she says to me, shake me to the core.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she says with tears down her face.

I grab her cheeks in my hands, gently as to not hurt her further, "Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry for yelling at you and I'm sorry we didn't find you sooner and I'm sorry you got taken at all," I kept rambling on until I was cut off by a chuckle.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, but I do have the right to say that I was right. Your mother and Lollie were the rats," she says, still laughing before wincing. "Do you think you could get me down?"

"Right!" I pull the keys from Thomas' neck anduncuff her, catching her before she could hit the ground. "Do you think you canstand." She nods, so I set her down but she starts to fall and she goes unconscious

y'all, i'm so sorry that it's been so long since i've updated. it has been so hectic lately between school and work and home, i've been running myself dry and i apologize that i've kind of neglected this but it's almost coming to an end! thank you so much for reading. happy friday.

with love,


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