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"Dad? Did you check the handwriting?" Anyone could clearly hear the panic in my voice; the writing in the book was almost identical to that of my mother's. I don't want to think that my mother had anything to do with this but all of the facts are pointing toward her.

"Don't, kid," he mutters sadly. If the other rat is our mother, he is going to be absolutely devastated; they had been together for 29 years, they had gotten together because I was conceived. My father was undeniably in love with my mother and this will crush him if she betrayed him, me, and the club like this.

We sat in silence just thinking about all the information we had just found out without even questioning anyone. Lolly is fucking insane and is obsessed with me and the idea of us being together; she had extra cash and a bag packed as if she needed to get away quick but she would still have to be here if the bag was still here. And then my mother; I hadn't seen any warning signs other than not really being around after Chaos had shown back up—oh shit.

"Have you noticed that mom hasn't really been around since Eris has shown back up," I asked quietly. My father, Cronos, and War all freeze as if they had just made a revelation and I couldn't help but feel revolted. "Oh, my god." I was having an internal war with myself over this. I couldn't believe that my mother would aid in the kidnapping and torture of the love of my life.

We were quickly pulled out of our wonderings when the door of the room opened and our two suspects walked in. We stood up quickly as they tried to walk back out of the door but Niklaus quickly grabbed them and stood in front of the door. Lolly and Bonnie went pale when they realized what was going to occur.

"Okay, here is how this is going to go. Bonnie, you are going to walk out of the clubhouse with dad and you are going to get on the back of his bike and you aren't going to cause problems. Lolly, you are going to walk out of the clubhouse with War and you are going to get in the car with him with no problems. You will not alert anyone, and you will do as told. Am I understood," I ordered, clearly. When they didn't respond to my question, I yelled it again and they quickly nodded.

We are now back at Chaos' house and leading them to her basement. She said that they would work and now I'm clearly seeing that. The walls were completely sound-proof; the floor was cement with multiple drains; lining the back wall were torture instruments ranging from play to gruesome; there were two chairs and then a table in the middle of the room.

War laid Lolly on the table and then restrained her with the leather restraints around her neck, wrists, ankles, and her waist. My woman was always prepared.

"God damn, Eris is into some kinky shit," Nix laughed. All of us chuckled even though the room was thick with tension and not the good kind.

I found it odd that neither of them asked what this was about and they weren't pleading for forgiveness or mercy, as if they knew what they did and they accepted that they were going to die traitors to the club and their family.

Niklaus stepped up to Lolly first and played the nice guy role, "Lolly, Bonnie, we already know you both are the traitors, we just want to know why you did it. Where Chaos is and why it had to come to this?"

To our surprise, they both just laughed like what he said was funny. Bonnie spoke first, "Oh, come on. Why? Why do you think? Dear husband, would you like to tell the rest of our crowd?"

My father looked confused before a look of realization flashed across his face and his face turned red and he looked away. "I'll take that as a no. Vince, did you know that your father had a crush on 18-year-old Eris?" My head snapped to his and so did everyone else's. "Go on, tell them, sweetheart."

"Listen, Cronos, it wasn't like that. She was getting out of the pool and she had. . . matured well-" he paused, as if he didn't want to say it.

"And you got hard; and then, whenever I would hear him grunting in the shower, it would always be her name, and then finally, he moaned her name when we were having sex. So yes, I was pissed. I got in contact with your rival because my husband was attracted to a younger, prettier girl that meant everything to the club. I only meant for them to kill her, they weren't supposed to take her and keep her and they were most definitely not supposed to rape and kill Cronos' wife!"

By the time she finished her rant, I was slack-jawed and looking between my mother and my father. I could see where my father was coming from, Chaos was definitely a sight to look at but to be infatuated with her? And my mother. She was going to have the love of my life killed for it?

I stood straighter and realized that even if it killed me, she was a traitor to the club; she had caused many deaths and tears and she was the one that put the nail in her coffin. "Marigold Flick, I hereby sentence you to death as a traitor and a murderer of Hell's Angels MC." I could hear my father sniffle a bit but I knew he was putting on a mask for his brothers. "Cronos, will you be the one to do it? She has caused you the most pain and neither my father nor I will hold anything against you."

He nodded before waking behind my mother and taking a knife off of Chaos' wall. He ripped her property patch off before gripping her hair and pulling her head back. "I, Cronos Mackie, will enforce your death." My mother scoffed before looking my father dead in the eyes and spitting on his shoes.

"You started this," she said with hatred in her voice. He lets a few tears fall before walking up the stairs and out of the basement. Cronos pushes the blade in to her skin from ear to ear and my mother finally ceased to live.

I felt a pang of sadness but it was overpowered by hatred for her; hatred for the fact that she broke my woman, hatred for the fact that she was the reason I was now down a parent, and hatred for the fact that she broke my father.

"Ah, Lolly, don't think we've forgotten about you, dear," she chokes out a sob at my words and I can't help but laugh. "Oh, come on. You brought this on yourself. Now, we know why you did it, but I can promise you an easy death if you tell me where Chaos is."

She cries again and I sigh, "Come on, we don't have time for this."

"Hill County. The abandoned factory off of Interstate 66 there, you can't miss it. Now, please, kill me."

"Oh honey, I lied. I'm saving your death for my Old Lady." She sobs again at my words and I can't help but laugh.

We rush back to the club after locking the basement and her house and call church. "Okay, boys. You may have noticed but Chaos was taken. Now, we had two suspects in mind and they were Lolly and Bonnie." Gasps were heard from around the room, "I know. Bonnie is dead for her crimes but we are saving Lolly for Chaos when we get her."

"Bonnie is dead?" An outraged yell came from an older member.

"Yes, did you forget that she is the reason Cronos' Old Lady is dead, Chaos was raped, tortured, and is now taken again, and shipments have been going missing for awhile now?" He sat back down and everyone nodded their head at my points. It was going to be hard with the Old Queen dead but everyone would have to get used to it.

"Now, let's talk about getting my woman back."

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