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There is sexual content in the middle of the chapter, feel free to skip it. 


I kicked down the door in front of me, my father and Titus behind me, everyone else checking other doors. The ground was littered with dead bodies of The Titans, the adrenaline running through my veins almost masks the sound of whimpers coming from the skinny, naked, huddled body in the corner. I almost didn't recognize her; she was pale, skinny, and covered in scratches, bruises, and blood. Her hair was matted and patches of it were gone, her lips were cracked and blue, her eyes—god her eyes—they were dull, lifeless looking right through me, like she couldn't see me.

I ran towards her and when she flinched I stopped dead in my tracks and I felt my blood stop. I could hear gasps from the door but I ignored them as I hold my hands up, palms facing her as I sign of good faith. "Chaos, baby, it's me, Vinny. You're safe now, honey. We're to take you home." She blinked, as if realizing I was there for the first time. Tears poured from her eyes and I could feel my own falling.

"Vinny," she croaked. I rushed towards her and took my shirt off to give to her. "It hurts, Vinny. It hurts so bad," she looks down to her lap and so do I. I feel immediate anger as I see blood, bites, and bruises on her inner thighs. I let out a choked cry and pull her to me. She sobs into me for a few minutes before passing out.

"Chaos? Baby?"



"Vinny!" I shoot up in bed with a cold sweat sticking to my body and Chaos sitting beside me. "Are you okay? You were shouting my name and you had tears streaming down your face?"

It had been a few weeks since I told her my feelings and we've gotten closer. I sigh and pull her closer to me, "It was like I was there again—that day we found you..." I pause to see what her reaction would be, but I did not expect her to sigh and pull my face on her breasts as she lays down again.

She wraps her arms around me and places a kiss in my hair, "It's okay, baby. It was horrible and I'm sorry you had to see that, but it's over, and now that I'm here, we can move on. Make new memories. And if they come back, I'll kill them."

I was astonished to say the least. The way she was so casual about it made me wonder if we were thinking about the same thing. She must have sensed my stare because she looked down at my confused stare and chuckled lowly, "I accepted what happened to me. It was horrible and traumatic but I chased my dream, I got help, and I beat the shit out of people. I am okay, and you should be, too. Don't worry about me."

"It's my job to worry about you. I love you, Chaos, it's not like I can just get over that," I say, weakly.

"I know, Vinny, I love you, too. Go back to sleep, baby. I'll be here when you wake up.


She wasn't there when I woke up.

Instead, she was singing her heart in the shower. I laid in bed with a smile on my face thinking about how lucky I was, but then I remember she was in the shower...naked. I started picturing her: water droplets running down her tanned, tattooed skin. Her curves and muscles shimmering in the light. Her hips swaying to whatever she is singing.

I took off my clothes with every intention of joining her when I heard the song she was singing—our song. "Riptide" by Vance Joy.

"Lady, running down to the riptide
Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man
I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat 'cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong"

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