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Well fuck me up the ass while running. I'm a fucking idiot. Walk by the van, Chaos, it's totally not shady. Stupid idiot.

I woke up in an underground cell, chained to the wall and naked. There were no windows; four walls, one of which was made up of bars. It's all concrete, but the walls are moist with dew and it's incredibly cold down here.

I'm not sure how long I was unconscious but I know I'm starving and thirsty. I already know who took me and it was my own stupid mistake that led me to this misfortune, but alas I have to deal with the consequences of my stupidity.

It was only an hour before a Titan walked down the stairs and noticed I was awake. He alerted the others and the big shot rapist boss walked calmly down the stairs. He had gotten much uglier since I had last seen him—he was missing teeth, and extremely skinny, probably because of all the drugs. Even though I know that I am stronger, he still sends a shiver a fear down my spine and I hate myself for it.

"Oh, sweet pea, you are finally awake. It's so nice to see your pretty eyes in person. I have missed you so much, darlin'," he says.

He's a disgusting, vile creature who should have never walked this earth. His name is Thomas Anne. His name is not one that sparks fear, but his eyes tell a different story; they send shivers down my spine and they set me in a cold sweat—he his my worst nightmare. Thomas is a disgrace to all of mankind and when I have my way with him, I will officially be announced as earth's saving grace.

"You and I are going to have so much fun. I've missed out on eight years of your fantastic pussy, sweetie," he grins with all ten of his teeth that are stained and yellow.

He may send my body in a spiral of fear, but I'm still going to prove that I'm not who I was eight years ago, "Tough talk for a fella with a small cock." I grin when I get the reaction I was hoping for; he steps up with clenched fists and his face is turning an uglier shade of red. Some of his minions stifle a laugh but stop when he shoots them a glare. "Huh? What are you planning to do with your tiny penis? Do you need a strap on?"

I chuckle and he snaps his fingers. The biggest man I have ever seen in my life steps out of the shadows and walks towards me, "Oh fuck," I mutter. I close my eyes and shake my head before opening them again and this time he is right in front of me.

He hauls my up by my hands and two other men tie my hands to a pole on the ceiling. At this rate, the man was still taller than me and I couldn't help but hope that he wouldn't be the one assault me, but my prayers went ignored when I saw his giant fist fly toward my face. I think that may have felt worse than all of my fights combined but only seconds later I could see black spots in the corner of my vision and when he hit me again in the same spot, I was fully knocked out.


It had been an entire day she had been taken and I considered it to be my fault. If I hadn't yelled at her she would be in my bed cuddled into my side after bomb sex; however, she is missing and now I'm dealing with the consequences of my actions.

We already knew who had taken her, it was just a matter of where The Titans had taken my girl. I called my dad, Cronos, War, and Chaos' mafia men to meet at her house again and we had all just arrived.

"Alright, we need to find my girl, she was taken about five minutes away from her house which means they had been following her," I say with a sigh. We had taken extra precautions to keep her and my club safe but they had been all for nothing because it was never about the clubs, it was always for her: my Eris.

Niklaus' hands clenched and he exhaled harshly, "We all know where to start, we were going to pick up the girl after we left the house but I guess we are going to hunt early." He turns to me because he must have noticed I was confused, "She called all of us here after you were a dick and we made a plan. Your mother has three friends that showed up about eight years ago. One was a club bunny and the other two have nothing to do with our club. Eris told us to pick up the bunny first because no one would notice she's missing."

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