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It has been five years since the entire magic world shredded in pieces. Voldemort's defeat didn't bring expected happiness to anyone. Winners and losers faced a new, tough era. The life of each participant of this war looked like a torn canvas. Everyone was dealing with the fact that their worlds are flooded with blood and sorrow now; the death became new normal.

For five long years, all of magical Britain has been trying to rise from the ashes. The Aurors have been searching for the escaped Death Eaters for months. However, there were not that many fugitives; there was no point in running away. The Dark Lord fell, the Eaters lost everything: faith, hope, purpose. Many were defeated, lost their minds. However, it wasn't any easier for the winners of the Second Magic War.

They mourned the dead and organized funerals. Yet, there were those who did not have enough strength for further struggle.

After so many years of battles and adventures, the "golden trinity" fell apart. They were still friends and close people, but everyone decided to deal with the pain alone.

Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, devoted himself entirely to his new family and took care of organizing the funeral and his own wedding. Ginny Weasley's love and the support of the rest of the ginger family was his only consolation.

Ron Weasley after burying his older brother, contrary to all expectations, did not break down. Of course, he was in pain, just like the rest of the family, but Ron decided to bury his pain in work. Quite atypical for him, but war changes people, doesn't it? The younger Weasley spent days in the older brothers' store, bringing it back to live.

Meanwhile, George was digesting the death of his twin, at times seeking peace in alcohol. However, a few months later after his brother's funeral, the last of the twins learned to live with the loss and honored Fred's memory through their store. Since then, Ron and George have worked together at the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, spending all their time in the lab and developing new products.

During the first year of peace, Hermione Granger buried friends, classmates and mentors. Two years later after the last battle, the Heroine of the Second Wizarding War went to Australia, intending to restore the memory of her parents. Unfortunately, she couldn't do it on her own. Of course, Hermione could have asked the best mediwizards in Britain for help, but she didn't.

Hermione saw what a peaceful and happy life her parents built, and at some point she decided that she would not take it away from them. In England, they will never be able to live in peace, too many problems and dangers remained there after the war.

The girl decided that she, too, would not be able to return to England. This war took too much of her strength, besides, the past would not let her go.

So with the last glance at her parents' house, Granger got into a silver rented car and drove off, intending to settle down in some remote, isolate corner of the planet.

There was another person whose life was broken - Draco Malfoy.

"Who is he? A henchman of the Dark Lord or a confused boy? "- said the headlines of every magical newspaper.

After the war, the Malfoy family was put on trial. However, Harry Potter, Hero of the Second Wizarding War, testified in defense of the Death Eaters. This caused a storm of indignation in the press and among the people. But the Boy Who Lived was adamant. Through remarkable efforts, Potter secured the release of Narcissa and Draco Malfoy.

Lucius remained a devoted Death Eater until the very end of his short life. He didn't sincerely believed in Voldemort's ideals anymore, but the principles are the only thing he had left. However, Mr. Malfoy was grateful for the freedom of his wife and son, whom he loved with all his heart, but he never expressed gratitude to Potter.

As for Draco, the young man lost everything, more importantly himself. Was there anything to lose though? Draco Malfoy was just a puppet, led by Lucius's thoughts and goals. He was nothing. Now, that Voldemort has fallen and his father is in Azkaban, all Draco has left is an empty shell.

The Second Magic War broke everyone. How many will be able to rise?

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