Chapter IX. They didn't care.

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Hermione just left Harry and Ron in one of the hallways of Hogwarts, intending to find a fairly safe place to get some sleep. They all were exhausted after the last battle against Voldemort and his followers. Hermione thought she deserved some rest.

However, before she got to the corridor leading to the dilapidated Gryffindor tower, she noticed Malfoy, sitting alone on one of the windowsills.

- Malfoy! - she didn't know what made her talk to him. He looked too lost.

Draco turned lazily towards her.

- What do you want, Granger? - He grunted.

- Is it all? Where are the usual threats and barbs? – The young heroine asked mockingly, angry at herself for having spoken to him at all.

- Sorry, I'm not in the mood today. You know, my life has just collapsed, and I think the taunts sank into oblivion with it. Come tomorrow, - Malfoy quipped.

Suddenly Hermione realized that no matter how awful Malfoy was as a human-being, his life had really turned upside down today. His parents are Death Eaters, he, himself, carried out the orders of the Dark Lord. Of course, this wasn't his choice, but no one will care.

As soon as Hermione opened her mouth to say something, the guy interrupted her:

- Go where you were going, Granger. I don't need your pity, or even less your gloating, - Draco turned his back on her.

- I'm not going to pity you, Malfoy, - Hermione said sharply. – Or even scoff at you. I want to help you.

Malfoy snorted.

- Gryffindors. You just need to save someone, - he deigned to look at the girl again. -There's nothing you can do to help me, Granger. Leave me alone. Don't mess around with the Death Eater, it'll ruin your reputation, - he spat.

Hermione shook her head in annoyance.

- You and I, both know you're not a Death Eater, - Malfoy looked at her in surprise.

- Why do you think that?

- Don't act like it isn't true. I know that you didn't accept the mark, or rather no one offered it to you, - Draco did not find what to say to that. What's the difference now? - In one aspect, you are right. I can't help you. But Harry can. Help you and your mother.

- And the father? – boy asked.

- Merlin, himself, can't help him, I'm afraid, - the witch replied, pursing her lips. Draco chuckled bitterly. - And Draco, you know, no one can help you until you help yourself.

- What are you talking about? - The guy frowned.

- That your life is not destroyed. You are alive, which means you can fight for yourself, your life and the life of your mother. You can build a new life for both of you.

Malfoy laughed.

- Build new life? What should I build? My father imposed everything that made up my personality. Today, I finally saw proof of him being completely wrong. Now, all I knew is a lie, and I don't know any different ways to live and look at the world. I have nothing left. No money, no Malfoy reputation, no personality. I'm just my father's failed project.

- Oh, Malfoy...Even you cannot be so empty to have nothing remain except for Lucius's convictions! - Hermione exclaimed. – And you're smart, Malfoy, you can learn new ways to survive.

- But...- she put her index finger to the Draco's thin lips and stared into his eyes. Startled by the tension between them, she continued.

- You are not empty. You are not your father's beliefs. You are you. Lucius may have buried your personality deep within you, but it exists. You just have to find it. I believe that you will succeed. I believe in you. - Hermione spoke confidently, forcing Draco to believe in every word she said. Considering that she conveyed the necessary information to his blonde head, diligently ignoring the goosebumps, the girl stepped away and continued her way to the tower.

- Wait! - came from behind her. Turning around, Hermione met the desperate gaze of gray eyes, and the next second Draco's dry lips fell on hers. The electricity between them was so intense you could touch it. Both of them seemed to have gone mad.

Hermione was shocked by the kiss, but she returned it. She liked the feeling of his strong arms around her waist. All thoughts, suppressed by fatigue and excitement, left her head, giving in to the power of emotions.

Draco was lost in his own thoughts and actions. He didn't understand why he kissed Granger and why he liked it so much. She was so devilishly beautiful and kind with her firm gaze and faith in him that kissing her seemed the right decision.

Then, in some unimaginable way, they ended up in his own room at Malfoy Manor. Draco thought he must have transgressed. Then Hermione's soft lips distracted him of his thoughts, and he didn't care how and why. He just wanted her.

The sudden transgression confused Hermione for a second, but she didn't want to care. Malfoy's lips and hands felt far more exciting to her.

Granger knew she was going crazy, allowing Malfoy to kiss her, but when he started to pull off his shirt, she didn't care. This was such a blessing to not care after many months on the move, fighting for her life and life of her friends.

Both were sweaty, dirty and injured. Their kisses tasted blood and despair. Their wild dance of bodies intertwined with pleasure and pain as they grazed each other's wounds. But they didn't care.

In the end, of course, Hermione regretted it, but not enough to stop thinking about the taste of his lips.

Of course, Draco woke up alone, and he regretted it too, but not enough to resist his obsession with the girl he hated all his life.

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