Chapter IV. Sunset.

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Thinking that she would not find a peace in this tent, full of people and loud music, Hermione went outside to get fresh air.

The setting sun painted all the fields in crimson. It was easier for the girl to breathe in the air, being here; her thoughts gathered in a heap.

Malfoy's words echoed in her head. Hermione understood that he was only trying to get to her, but the girl knew there was a grain of truth in his words.

Hermione knew she had hurt many by leaving. Yet, did she left them really alone? After all, in the end, Harry and Ginny were together, and Ron spent all his time in the store, rebuilding it. Hermione left this right to him. But she suffered from insomnia and nightmares every single night, and the one person, who was supposed to help her to get through them, spent endless nights at work. Hermione was proud of Ron, who used to be so lazy and careless, now being a busy inventor. However, as time went on, she felt extremely lonely without Ron.

Granger thought that leaving would solve all her problems, and it was a perfect solution for years, up to this point. Now she wasn't so sure, realizing that she had acted selfishly.

- You know, you shouldn't take Malfoy's words seriously, - said a voice, coming from behind Hermione.

- Did you hear it? - She asked Ron, who was now standing beside her, leaning against a dilapidated wooden fence.

- Not all of it. Just the last couple of phrases. He is wrong. Your role in Harry and Ginny's life is way bigger than one-time bridesmaid. You scared everyone with your disappearance. But, hoping that this will bring you relief, we gave you the opportunity to be alone with yourself. However, years passed by, and we began to worry that you would never return. Only Ginny believed that you wouldn't dare to miss her wedding. - Ron smiled.

Hermione smiled back at him.

- But what about you? - She asked. – It wasn't fair to leave you like this. I didn't even say goodbye. I knew it was wrong, but I just didn't know what to say. Truly, I will not be surprised if you never forgive me.

The guy smiled bitterly and hugged his ex-girlfriend by the shoulders.

- I was angry with you, with myself, with the whole world. I couldn't understand why you did that, - Ron admitted honestly. - And then one time coming home from the store in the early morning, I understood. We all faced the fact that, despite winning the war, we were left with nothing. All our lives were destroyed. Ginny and I were killed and crushed by Fred's death, what to speak of George. But in the end we all found consolation. I got caught up in the idea of restoring the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, to prove to the whole world that Fred did not die in vain, and as a result I completely forgot that you lost a loty in this war, too. You lost your parents. Fred, Lupine, Tonks were not the last people in your life as well. I realized that I was the one who left you to your demons. You leaving me was just a punishment for my betrayal.

Tears ran down Hermione's cheeks. Returning here, she couldn't even imagine, finding Ron, who was that mature and who really understood her. But he, like all of them, grew up. The war changed everything. Now, at their twenty-two, they have become adults. Even Ron, sweet bungler Ron, turned into a respectful adult, an independent man.

- Hey, don't cry! - The redhead pleaded. - This is not what I wanted to achieve with my speech.

He looked so confused that, along with tears, Hermione began to laugh.

- Is it hysterical? - Ron realized, hugging her tighter.

After a couple of minutes, Hermione's crying stopped, and old friends just silently watched the sunset.

When the sun had already set, Hermione inadvertently asked:

- Little Veela...Gabrielle?

- Yeah. Do you mind? I mean, your leaving was a hint like "it is over," right? - Ron asked nervously.

Granger smiled.

- It was more a hint like, "I want to be away from everything, but you live happily, not caring about me." I'm glad for you, Ron. Just don't do anything stupid, okay? How old is she? Sixteen?

- Almost seventeen. And I won't do anything stupid. I mean... I am going to propose to her in August.

- Are you sure that you're ready? - Hermione asked worriedly.

- Absolutely. Gabrielle is the one I want to live my whole life with. I hope she wants it, too. - Ron's eyes were full of love for this blonde girl, and Hermione only hoped that he is happy with her.

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