Chapter VIII. Can the truth be hidden?

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For the first time in years, that many people had gathered around Malfoy Manor. Many wizards have come to honor Lady Malfoy's memory. That's what they called it. In fact, the impudent vultures came to watch Draco's suffering and make sure that the Death Eater's wife is dead.

Only a few of them sympathized, or at least tried to sympathize Malfoy. Three heroes of the Second Wizarding War and Ginny Potter attended the memorial service as well.

For Draco, only one person was important. A girl who understood his loss, and who knew what it meant to the young lord. She knew that the death of his mother meant another crack in the life of an already broken dragon.

Draco saw her cry as she listened to his parting speech. She was the only one who left a blood-red rose on Narcissa Malfoy's wooden coffin, and he, Draco Malfoy, was so damn grateful to her for that.

After the service and burial, Draco hurried to hide from people in his father's old office, sneaking past two particularly curious reporters. He didn't care what the others would do, he wanted to be alone. However, none of those present at the funeral expressed a desire to stay in Malfoy Manor for long.


Merlin knows how badly Hermione wanted to stay, but she couldn't. She did not come alone. She didn't need any more questions, so Granger convinced herself that Malfoy's suffering was none of her business. Yet, she couldn't manage to believe in that for long.

- What is wrong? - Ginny noticed her nervousness.

- It's okay, it's just... Narcissa wasn't the best person, but she helped Harry in the most difficult moment, and generally just wanted to keep her son safe. Now she's gone, and people don't care. They just want to get money of the story. This is disgusting.

Ginny hugged her friend.

- This is not something we can change. The Malfoys have built that reputation for themselves. Everything Harry could do for them, he did. But their participation in the war on the side of Voldemort... People don't forgive this.

She looked at her friend sympathetically.

- Let's go home.


As the night started rolling in, Hermione was losing it. She couldn't stay at home, knowing that Draco's world had collapsed, and he was alone. Granger refused Mrs. Weasley's supper and went to her room. There, after locking the door, she transgressed to Malfoy Manor.

Any barriers no longer protected the Manor, so Hermione managed to transgress directly into the living room. The helpful little house-elf led the visitor into the office, where "the Master was grieving." Hermione found Draco in a chair by the fireplace with a glass in hand, the contents of which resembled fire whiskey.

- Draco, - the girl called almost in a whisper.

Malfoy made a strange sound, moaning and sobbing.

- Why are you here, Granger? - he asked, getting up from his chair. Suddenly, he raised his voice and rushed to Hermione. - What do you need? Do you like seeing me being so pathetic? Or do you need to take care of "a poor little broken Death Eater?" Huh? - he shouted, forcing the young woman to back up against the wall. - You know, we've been through this before. Do you remember, Granger?

Malfoy pressed the girl against the wall. He peered into her eyes, staring as a mad-man.

- I remember, - Hermione's throat went dry; he was scaring her.

- Of course you remember, - bitterly said Draco. - Of course you remember! - He exclaimed, throwing a glass into the portrait of Lucius above the fireplace. An angry hiss came from the portrait. Malfoy ignored it. He just nervously scurried back and forth, clearly not realizing what he was doing. Hermione was still standing against the wall, afraid to move.

- Do you remember running away while I was still sleeping? So many times...running to your beloved Weasel, - he spat. – The first time was the most painful. I didn't think you would return...and that your stupid note with a ridiculous excuse!

- Don't..." Hermione began.

- Shut up! – shouted the young lord, pointing a finger at her.

- You... you let me feel needed, gave me hope and then just walked away, - Draco burst out laughing suddenly. – What is amusing is that you, eventually, ran away from the Weasley, too. You should have seen how broken he was! – Drawled Malfoy, chuckling nervously.

The guy then stopped, froze in one spot, looking desperately into Hermione's eyes.

- But I didn't gloat, because I understood. Knew what it was like to be abandoned by you. Him and I, we were both abandoned by you. The Weasley, however, were more fortunate. He had a nice job, a big family, and he was able to find a young replacement for you. Me...I was just alone. My father died in Azkaban, my mother become desperately ill, leaving me with everything that they both did to our lives...Yet, I never could get rid of the thoughts about you. Do you have any idea how deep inside me I let you get? - Draco approached Hermione again, never ceasing to look into her eyes. - I never forgot how you looked at me. You never look at me as an outcast. With you I felt like I was capable of finding my way through all these bullshit. You gave me hope, gave me warmth, and then just left me behind, choosing Weasley, - he looked down at the floor, first , and then turned away. He went to the fireplace and sat down right on the floor, looking at the fire.

- I clung to my mother. I did everything I could to find a cure for her, - he continued quietly. – But I don't think she wanted to be saved, not after my father died. Now she has left me, too, - Draco smiled bitterly and finally let the tears roll down his pale cheeks.

Granger slowly walked over to him, sat down and hugged him, letting Draco live through his pain, he was shoving so deep down inside him.

He sobbed like a child. The boy, who had no choice. Now, broke down again. But don't we all fall before we rise?

They sat by the fireplace for Merlin knows how long. She whispered all sorts of comforting nonsense to him, and he just leaned closer and closer to her.

Later, when the Draco's shoulders stopped shuddering, Hermione rose to her feet, holding out her hand.

- Let's go, - she said. Draco looked at her in confusion, but grabbed her hand and stood up.

Hermione took him to the bedroom, in which they had spent so many short nights together, and put him to bed. Draco wrapped his arms around her waist, afraid to let her go, and soon fell asleep. It reminded Hermione the first night they spent together.

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