Chapter V. Talking, more talking.

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- You know, you should go there and talk to Mom and Dad, and all the Weasleys and Potters in general. They will be glad to see you.

- You think? - Hermione asked doubtfully.

- I know. Let's go.

They entered the tent just at the moment when they announced the dance of the newlyweds.

Harry and Ginny were spinning in a wonderful waltz like a prince and a princess. Their movements were smooth and graceful, and tenderness splashed in their eyes. A little later, in the course of the dance, more couples joined them, including Ron and Gabrielle, Oliver Wood and Alicia Spinet, as well as Angelina and George.

They all looked so happy that for the first time in years Hermione felt that the ugly claws of the nightmares of war had left her and all of wizarding Britain forever.

Finally, they were free.

There was another tiny but nasty feeling of loneliness. At the same time though, memories of days, when loneliness was more than ever away, came to her mind. Hermione tried to ignore it, but then next to her appeared the one, whose look was still giving her goosebumps.

- You see, everyone has forgotten about you. They live in their little world of love for two, in which there is no place for you.

- Shut up, Malfoy! - Hermione hissed at him.

- What truth hurts you, Granger?

- No, because we both know it is not the truth. We both understand why you say that. - Hermione looked directly into Draco's eyes, noticing how he swallowed nervously.

- No, we don't, - his voice became hoarse. He cleared his throat and continued.

- However, you will soon see that I'm right. Until then, would you like to dance with me?

Young woman looked at him in bewilderment.

- What? Dancing is an essential part of weddings. Besides, who else will invite you to dance if not me?

- You must be kidding me!

- Yes, I do, - the blonde replied honestly, not taking his eyes off Hermione. - Every second magician here wants you, especially in THIS dress.

The girl rolled her eyes, although she did shiver under Malfoy's gaze. Yet she agreed to his offer, realizing that she simply could not refuse him. Five years have passed since their last real meeting, and she still could not forget.

The two of them stepped into the waltz at the last minute.

- You're not bad, Granger, - young men pointed out when the melody stopped.

- Thank you, you're okay too, Malfoy, - Hermione replied, pronouncing his name in Malfoy fashion.

Before leaving and giving Hermione the opportunity to chat with friends, Malfoy pulled her closer to him and whispered:

- Keep calling me like that, and I will not be able to leave. I will become the only man in this room and in your life, who will take you in this dress. I remember, Granger. I remember it all. - He whispered, left a fleeting kiss on the girl's cheek and disappeared.

Hermione let out a gasp, feeling that it had become very difficult to stand. She glanced around, hoping that no one had noticed their conversation. People around her continued to dance and talk, so Hermione decided that everything was okay, not noticing the tenacious gaze of brown eyes.


Finally, after a long search and scurrying between dancing people, the girl reached the table at which sat the Potters and the Weasleys.

- Merlin's beard! Hermione! Where have you been for so long, dear? - Mrs. Weasley attacked missing girl with hugs and kisses.

- How beautiful you look! But why did you cut your lovely hair? Oh, this dress fits you perfectly! - She continued to wail, not allowing Hermione to insert a word. Everyone else at the table just smiled as they watched them.

- Well, tell us everything! How have you been? - Mrs. Weasley said finally, stopping the endless stream of questions. She sat back down in her seat, inviting Hermione to seat next to her.

- There is not much to tell... - Hermione was slightly effaced. - I went to Australia to see my parents. They have a good home, a decent job, and many good friends. I didn't succeed in returning their memory, and I didn't really want to. They have a perfect life, which I would not want to ruin with my problems...Then, collecting my thoughts, I decided to leave Australia, but to return here... I couldn't. It was too hard.

- Oh, honey, but to go to India is so unexpected... It's so far and so unreasonable! - Mrs. Weasley exclaimed to her husband's approval.

- I don't think it was an unreasonable decision. It was foolish to ignore your letters, but three years in India gave me the consolation that I could not get here. I took up yoga classes, cleared my mind and strengthened my body. I know it sounds crazy, but that's what helped me with my nightmares.

- What are you going to do now? - Mrs. Potter asked. - Will you stay? - The redhead hypnotized Granger with a look.

- I... - Hermione sighed. - I have not decided yet.

- And yet I insist that you stay with us at least for a little bit, - Molly said.

- I could do that, - Hermione smiled at the woman.

Here Aunt Muriel hobbled to the table and Mrs. Weasley, being annoyed by her, hastened to take her away from the young ones, her husband followed her.

- You know, I think it is the time for me to dance with my big brother, - Ginny said and left looking for Charlie.

Only Harry and Hermione remained at the table.

- I never congratulated you, - said Hermione, - I'm so happy for you and Ginny.

- Thank you, - the brunette smiled shyly. - But you know, I wish you were there at that dinner when Ginny and I announced our engagement. All relatives and friends were there, except you. I missed you as hell.

- I know and I'm sorry Harry, but...

- It wasn't easy for you, I understand. However, you missed a lot in past three years. I don't want to lose you again. We've been through so much together: you, me and Ron. It is wrong that we scattered apart, plunged into our worlds. Our lives are connected in one way or another, but we behave as if we are just old acquaintances who met in a grocery store by accident. You have the right to choose how you live, Hermione. But I ask you, do not forget your friends, your family, - piercing green eyes looked straight into the Hermione's soul.

- I won't disappear again, I promise, - Hermione replied and hugged her friend, feeling the tears welling up in her eyes again.

Her boys, Harry and Ron, are so grown-up now and rational, while Hermione, herself, has become irrational.

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