Chapter VII. Truth can be hidden.

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In the morning Draco, as usual, went to his mother's bedroom to see her. Narcissa Malfoy was struck by a serious illness almost immediately after Lucius was sent to Azkaban.

First, Draco opened the heavy velvet curtains as he entered his mother's room. In the sunlight, Narcissa's pale skin seemed completely transparent. When the young wizard touched the sleeping woman's hand, he felt how cold she was. Horror seized his heart. When Draco realized that once the most beautiful woman in Magical Britain and the only woman in his life he cared about wasn't breathing, the young lord's heart broke with a thud.

Not a single tear shed from his frozen, frightened eyes; his whole body was frozen in disbelief.


A warm day in the midst of July was a real delight for Londoners.

Two young girls sat at a table on the terrace of one of the many muggle cafes, enjoying the sun.

- So tell me, Hermione, what was it about this India? Why didn't you come home? - The red-haired woman demande.

- I've told you a million times already, Ginny. I wanted to understand who I am, and get rid of my nightmares. I just wanted to live far from the consequences and memories of the war - it was noticeable that Granger was rather tired of questions.

However, like her brown-eyed friend wasn't ready to give up.

- You're hiding something, - Mrs. Potter narrowed her eyes. - There is something more serious than you are admitting. You were running from something. And I don't think it was just war. Hermione Granger I know, knew, could have survived through this. Not alone, of course, but with friends and family. If only... - Ginny gasped at the incredibleness of her guess.

- If what? - Hermione asked skeptically.

- Unless something happened to you that you couldn't share with us. Something that you would be ashamed of. It must be a guy, right? - Ginny peered into Hermione's eyes, and the brown-haired woman diligently looked away. – Oh yeah! Definitely, a guy - the redhead answered her own question.

- You don't know what you're talking about. Of course, there wasn't a guy, - Granger made a feeble attempt to deny.

- You are a bad liar, Hermione. Was it Malfoy? - Mrs. Potter leaned over the table closer to her friend.

- No! Are you mad, Gin? - Hermione exclaimed.

Ginny chuckled, leaning back.

- Well, I don't know, - she drawled. –You are the one, who went to India for three freaking years, - Ginny said wisely.

- Will you hate me for that to the rest of my life?

- I do not know. Maybe not to the REST of your life, but at least until you tell me the truth.

Granger just rolled her eyes in response.


Returning to The Burrow, which had become her temporary home, Hermione found a black owl on the windowsill in Ginny's former room, who had a white envelope tied to its paw.

"Hermione Jean Granger.

I am compelled to inform you of the sudden death of Lady Narcissa Malfoy. I hope you'll share my grief this Wednesday at nine o'clock in the morning. The memorial service will take place at the Malfoy Manor.


Draco Lucius Malfoy. "

Each word of the letter was written in perfect, calligraphic handwriting, which made Hermione think Malfoy was using magic to compose it. It didn't surprise her. The young lord has no time for letters at the moment. Hermione couldn't even imagine what it was like for him. She knew Draco loved his mother more than anyone else in the world.

How will he deal with this loss?

Worry flooded Granger's mind, letting the barrier that held forbidden memories fall.

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