Chapter X. The fall. Epilogue.

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In the morning, Hermione woke up before Draco. Despite her title of "the smartest witch of the century," she made the same mistake again. She ran away. Again.

In her room at The Burrow, she changed into casual jeans and a T-shirt and went downstairs to the kitchen, where Mrs. Potter was waiting for her with a breakfast. Where other members of Weasley and Potter families had gone, Hermione didn't know.

- Good morning! You slept for a long time, - Ginny greeted her with a sly smile.

- Morning, - Hermione replied, slightly sluggishly.

- Okay, I won't beat around the bush and tell the news right away, - Ginny held her breath before blurting out:

- I'm pregnant! - A happy smile played on Potter's lips.

- Oh, Merlin! How wonderful! Congratulations! - Granger exclaimed, hugging her friend.

Despite the fact that Hermione was really happy for her friend, her reaction was not entirely sincere and natural. Ginevra noticed this.

- Okay. Spit it out, - she demanded as Granger pulled away from her.

- What are you talking about? - The girl was surprised.

- I can see you're in the clouds. I said that I was pregnant, and you reacted as if you heard such words from me every day.

- It's not true. I'm happy for you and Harry. Just surprised, - Hermione frowned, pretending not to understand the reason for Ginny's distrust.

- Of course you're happy, but something else is spinning in your head. Therefore, I'm asking what happened, - the redhead looked at her friend expectantly.

Hermione seems to have given up. She sighed heavily, sitting down in a chair.

- Oh, Gin, when did you get so wise? - She asked.

- I was born this way. Now, tell me! - The girl demanded.

- You won't like it, and perhaps you will not understand me...

Hermione was interrupted by a knock on the door.

- I'll get it! - she hastened to the door.

It wasn't the best idea because Draco Malfoy was standing outside the door.

- Granger, - he drawled with an unkind grin.

- What do you want, Malfoy? - she imitated his manner of drawing out words, while trying to pretend as if her whole being didn't tremble, seeing at him.

- Do you remember once I said that if you drawl out my name like that again, then I will have to repeat one of our experiences five years ago?

Malfoy looked at her so hungrily and, at the same time, viciously that Hermione could only nod nervously in response.

- So ... - Hermione felt dry lips on her lips once again. The kiss instantly revived the memories of five years ago. Hermione trembled, savoring the taste of his lips. She missed them way too much. Draco put all his despair and all his anger into this kiss.

It ended as abruptly as it began.

- I'm tired of watching you run away from me. Tired of feeling betrayed by you. After all, it is obvious that you care, you feel something for me. Otherwise, you wouldn't have allowed what happened five years ago to happen, especially more than once. You wouldn't have come to me yesterday. I know this is not an obsession or a game. You take care of me and I fucking want to be able to take care of you...

Draco was breathing heavily; clearly trying to say as much as possible in a short amount of time, fearing Hermione would slam the door to his face.

However, the truth was that Granger had returned from India because she was tired of running away from herself, from her friends, and from Malfoy.

The girl's gentle hands wrapped around the guy's neck, and soft lips stopped the flow of his words. She felt Malfoy smile through the kiss.

This was the moment when they both felt truly free and alive. It was only Mrs. Potter's quiet cough that shattered their idyll for a second.

- I can understand that, Hermione. What I can't understand is why you tortured him for so long? - She said, flashing mischievous brown eyes and winking at Malfoy.

Hermione smiled shyly, snuggling closer to Draco.

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