Chapter 5:

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Erica's POV

I was now in a room with Ben. Waiting to be interrogated since everyone thinks I helped Ben in some sort of way. I don't really get why though. I mean yeah I've been on a mission with him a lot, but anyone could have helped him. But he isn't the mole. And he never will be a mole.

Most people think of interrogation rooms as the room they see in movies with huge people looming over you yelling questions, while you are seated in the chair with a light bulb hanging over your head. If anyone thinks that. They're wrong. I was with Ben sitting on a nice sofa, with a window separating us from the other CIA agents. The glass was soundproof, we couldn't hear what was going on outside and they couldn't hear what was going on inside.

Ben and I had been in the room for over thirty minutes watching different agents coming in and out through doors. Talking with each other.

"So, now what? Cyrus is in the other room. And so is Catharine." Ben said.

"I know they are, but I have ways of communicating with them."


"With the earpiece, I still have," I responded.

I watched Ben reach into his pocket where he had last put his earpiece. He fumbled around trying to find it, thinking he had missed it since it was so small.

I reached up a small object and tapped Ben on the shoulder. "Looking for this? You dropped it on your way out."

"And you still managed to get it?"

"Wasn't that hard," I said.

"Maybe for you it wasn't. You were literally running away from Murray and Ashley, and trying to not get attacked by the CIA agents running toward you. How the heck did you get that? I didn't even see you."

"I'm a spy. I trained to do things with no one noticing. Even the smallest things like picking something up. Remember the last time I tripped you?"


Ben's POV

I actually did remember. I was trying to get an elderly woman's purse back from a robber. I didn't know if it was a test at the time, but it seemed like the right thing to do even though Erica told me not to. So I got her purse back but ended up causing chaos all over the street. (Like sending a man cannonballing down the street on a dessert cart.) I told Erica I had been subtle about it since no one noticed I caused this. But Erica didn't think so. She said that we stopped major criminals. She also told me I could have just tripped the man. At that time I didn't realize that you could just trip someone and make it subtle. I thought of it as sticking your leg out and making a huge scene of tripping someone. That was until Erica was explaining that it could be done subtly. Then she tripped me while I was talking. I didn't even see Erica move her leg at all. 

Erica had taught me much in the time we both were together. One lesson that I hadn't accepted, though, was that sometimes when there is a problem that you know you can help with, don't always get involved. Like the purse. I was trying to do the right thing, but it ended up really bad. Also, like that time I saved Paul Lee from being killed. It was the right thing, but Erica thought that defeating SPYDER was more important than saving someone from being killed. Which in a way did make sense(I just didn't accept it). Since SPYDER was hurting many more people than one man being killed I couldn't just save Paul Lee and ruin our chances at defeating SPYDER. But I also couldn't just let Paul Lee die. So I saved him. Which wasn't necessarily the best thing for me to do, but I did it anyway.   

I realized that I had been spacing out for some time. And while I had spaced out Erica had gotten into contact with Cyrus and Catharine.

I heard her say, "They should be interrogating us at the same time, so no one can escape." I heard a pause of silence. Then Erica responded with, "Okay, sounds like a plan."

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