Chapter Two:

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Ben's POV

I woke up in a car. A moving car. I could usually tell the exact time due to my math skills, but since it appeared I had been drugged to fall asleep I had to check my watch. I looked at my wrist, but my watch wasn't there. I was still somewhat groggy due to whatever someone had given me. Then I tried to figure out where I was. The view of the driver was blocked by a squared piece of black plastic. I smelled lilacs and a hint of gunpowder. Gunpowder? I asked myself. There was only one person who smelled like that, Erica. I looked around but found no sign of anybody. I didn't want to say anything in case I was being kidnapped by some other evil organization.

"Erica," I whispered. It appeared I had been too loud because someone slapped a hand over my mouth and said, "Shhh." I tried to scream, but couldn't. I feared that an evil organization had kidnapped me. But then I saw the person's face. I saw those icy blue eyes that I knew too well. Those eyes were Erica's.

"You can relax Ben." Said a voice coming from my ear. Then I realized that Erica had given me an earpiece. Even though the earpiece's volume was all the way up, I could barely hear her.

"Where the heck are we?" I whispered as quietly as I could.

"To be exact, we are in your old middle school's principal's car."

"What!" I said. A little too loud again.

"Ben, be quiet or we will get caught."

"Okay wait. I thought you were mad at me. I thought you didn't even want to talk to me and now you've brought me to my principal's car?"

"Well, I didn't exactly bring you here."

I gave a confused look for a second. Erica gave me a look that meant, Ben are you really that dumb? I could only think of one other person Erica would trust, "Cyrus?"

"Yes. It was all Cyrus's idea."

Cyrus was the only other spy that was better than Erica. He was Erica's grandpa. He had taught Erica most of her skills since before she could walk. "Wait what are we doing anyway. And why did you drug me?"

"Well, I had to drug you because I knew that you were going to talk me out of this."

"Out of what."

"Well after the video we watched last night, I had to act like I was really mad at you. So no one else would want to come on this mission."

"So that means,"

"Yes, that means that I believe that you aren't with SPYDER. Anyways, Cyrus and I decided that we need to come to your middle school to check out those bombs that Murray planted. And fast."

"Wait is this mission authorized?"

Erica gave me another look. "No, the CIA wouldn't even allow you to go off-premises. Let alone, go on another mission."

The car then stopped. The person who was driving, which I assumed was my principal, opened the car door and stepped out. Then I heard footsteps. Footsteps heading our way. Erica pulled my arm and kicked the car door open. She pulled out a rag with chloroform and placed it over her nose. Then she pulled me out of the car.

"Quick," she said.

"Why isn't the principal asleep yet?"

"Because it takes at least five minutes for the chloroform to leave her unconscious."

"Oh, right," I said as if I'd known this all along.

Erica started running. I ran after her.

"Okay, so I've studied your school's blueprints, but still need you to lead the way."

Spy School: Another MoleWhere stories live. Discover now