Chapter Three:

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Ben's POV

Elizabeth Pasternak, the most popular girl at my school, appeared to have been working on a project in the lab. She was with her two best friends, Chloe and Kate. Erica and Catherine stopped in their tracks and signaled me to do the talking since I've known them since kindergarten. 

"Ben? Ben Ripley?" Chloe asked.

"Yep, that's me," I answered.

"What are you doing here? Oh, are you finally coming back from that lame science school?"

"Er, no. I'm still going to the science school I just came here because um," I looked at Erica and Catherine. I didn't know what to say. Luckily Erica saved me, as usual.

She spoke up and said, "Hi, Chloe right?" She talked in a sweet nice voice. Her entire personality had changed in an instant. Although she did this a lot, I was still in shock at how she could change."

"Um, yea. Haven't I seen you before?" Chloe stated. 

"I'm Emma," Erica lied. "I came here when the fire trucks arrived. Remember?"

"Oh, yea. I remember." Kate spoke up. "You were that girl who came to the school, to meet up with Ben. But I don't really remember the rest." I perfectly knew the reason for this. When Erica came to the school when the fire trucks arrived, Erica had used chloroform to put all three of the girls unconscious. Then she told the firefighters that all three girls had collapsed because of smoke inhalation.

Erica spoke up again. She seemed annoyed that we weren't anywhere near getting to the gym. "I'm here with Ben and Mrs. Smith to help us demonstrate a science project at your school."

"Why this school?" Elizabeth said.

"Because, since this was Ben's old middle school, we just thought why not do it here."

All three girls looked over at Catherine. They all seemed to recognize her as well.

Chloe spoke up, "I think we should get administration. I'm not sure that you are supposed to be in here."

"I assure you we are," Catharine said. She showed a fake badge with her name as a science school instructor.

"But those badges are easy to fake. So how would we know that you are really a science teacher."

Erica broke character. She usually didn't do this, but since there were bombs outside the school that could blow up any second, she thought we'd better get going.

"Ok listen." Erica started. "If you don't move right now you are going to experience a very painful thing."

"I thought you were nice."

"Not anymore," Erica said. "So are you going to move?"

"No," Chloe stated.

"I warned you," Erica said.

I usually wouldn't fight three girls who I've known since kindergarten, but then I was saying I wouldn't do it. Erica barely knows those girls and all they are right now are people in the way. Erica threw a punch at Chloe and hit her nose. It wasn't strong enough to break it but it was enough for the other girls to know she was serious. Before they could answer though, they collapsed to the ground. I looked at Erica with worry. The problem was that she didn't look at me like she had done anything. Usually, Erica would have caused this, but if it wasn't her, then who was it? I looked at Catherine. She seemed to have no idea as well. Then I saw someone move behind them. Cyrus, I thought.

It was indeed Cyrus. It wasn't that hard to tell. He was the only grandfather I had met who was very fit. He was also wearing a black suit, kind of like Erica's.

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