Chapter 17

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SPYDER called Jessica restlessly, trying to figure out where we were. Meanwhile, all of us were stuck in a crappy motel room that we had gotten for the night. The entire thing happened so fast. Jessica told them that she was going to take us in for questioning, and we ended up climbing through a window. Getting out of the premises was a different story. All of us were running until we saw a guard. Jessica said that she was taking us for some fresh air, saying it would help us admit the truth. Then we ran. As soon as the guard turned around we found ourselves all together making a clump of people, running away. Jessica deactivated the fence alarm system as fast as she could. Then another guard spotted us. Now we sprinted. We ran about two miles straight to an abandoned-looking motel. We checked in looking like we had just come from a marathon. The black and white image was so blurry I could barely make out where the faces of people started and where they ended. But one thing I could recognize was Leo Shang's voice.

We were all huddled up around the tiny screen watching the security videos that Jessica had gotten access to.

"Hey look Catherine and Cyrus are in there too!" Mike exclaimed. "I was wondering where they went."

"Look! So are Agents Brown, Lane, and Monroe." I said.

"I know it isn't much, but that's my dad in there. And he needs our help. Cathrine and Cyrus also need help. And some of your agents. I don't know how I could have missed it."

"Why are all the agents trapped in there? It looks like they need them for something." Jawa inputted.

"Did he ever give you signs?" Erica asked.

"No. He would always leave me notes though."

"Wait he gave you notes? What kind of notes exactly?"Erica asked clearly intrigued.

"Well, he would always leave me notes that said this," she quickly scribbled on a piece of paper.


"I don't know what it means though," Jessica said disappointed.

"Caesar cipher." Erica and I said at the same time.

"SPYDER is using Caesar ciphers and so is Leo Shang. That's odd." Erica stated.

"I know it's like they are connected somehow," Jawa added.

"Maybe Leo Shang is trying to tell us something," Zoe said.

"Maybe he's telling us that he knows SPYDER's plan." Mike contributed to the conversation.

"Maybe because he used the same code that SPYDER used before, he does know SPYDER's plan." Chip said.

"Enough "maybe". Ben? Whatcha got?" Erica said.

"I AM TRAPPED AT SPYDER," I replied disappointed.

"That's it?" Mike said.

"I mean there wasn't much to it," I said.

"Great so we wasted time just to find out what we already knew?" Erica said.

I saw something shiny on Jessica's neck. Then I realized something.

"Maybe we didn't waste time at all," I replied inching closer to Jessica.

"Uh, Ben what are you doing?" Jessica replied quickly.

"Oh sorry, just a question. Who gave you that necklace?"

"Oh, this old thing? My dad gave it to me, not too long ago actually." Jessica said admiring the necklace. "Why do you ask?"

"Just let me see something. Do you mind taking it off?" I asked.

"No, not at all." She unclipped the necklace and handed it to me, "Here you go!"

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