14. Predator and prey

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 predator and prey ❜
content: death, violence, general angst.

ACT I, CHAPTER THIRTEEN❛ predator and prey ❜content: death, violence, general angst

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Madaket and Kaimana reach the base of the mountains as the sun comes up, the ground is already beginning to heat up, and the nighttime animals are scuttling into their homes for protection against the burning morning sun. They almost don't see the river until they step into it.

     A two-foot deep strip of water runs a ring around the edge of the desert, separating the rocky outcrops from the flat land. It's about six feet wide, wide enough for Madaket to float without bumping her head or feet on the other side. Without any care in the world, she stoops down, submerging her whole face, and begins to drink straight from the river. The water is still cool from the night, and it goes down smoothly. She knows it's foolish to drink unpurified water, but her desperation proves to be too much. Her tongue had been so dry that her tastebuds opened cuts along her inner cheeks.

     She drinks until she has to come up for air, sitting on her haunches and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Breath moves rapidly in and out of her lungs. Beside her, Kaimana is cupping the water in her hands and pouring it past her lips.

     The dull ache of thirst at the back of Madaket's throat is still there, and she wonders if the damage is permanent. Maybe the dry heat of the desert has ruined the sensitive skin lining her esophagus. She clears her throat and tries to brush aside that worry. Perhaps she is overthinking again. Skies, she hopes.

     Remembering the water bottle in her bag, she quickly unbuckles the straps to the pack and pops off the lid of the canteen. She holds it under the surface, watching the air bubbles escape to make room for the water. Once Kaimana comes up for air, wiping a dripping hand down her face, Madaket is screwing the lid back on.

     "Well, that's one thing taken care of." Kaimana laughs, and for the first time, Madaket notices that it's a real laugh. Not a humorless chuckle. There's relief on Kaimana's face, softening her hard features. Madaket finds herself smiling as well.

     But after a pause, she says, "It wasn't wise to drink it without purifying it."

     Kaimana shrugs. "Maybe so. But," she says, "at least we'll die refreshed."

     Madaket hates to admit that she agrees. Still, she starts to monitor every growl of her stomach, every taste on her tongue. If the water really is poisoned, she might just stab herself for her own stupidity before the pain really sets in.

     They decide to take turns washing up. Madaket sits down with her back facing the rocks and looks out at the span of desert they just crossed. In the far distance, hazy from the heatwaves, she can see the giant sand dunes near the Cornucopia. They've traveled so far, she doubts that the Careers will find them anytime soon. She wonders if another tribute has made it to the river and rocks, yet. She turns in a circle, scanning for any sign of life, finding none.

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