ACT II: The Worst Draft

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The Hunger Games


The Worst Draft

ACT TWOThe Worst Draft

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❝ I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ

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❝ I have a meanness inside me, real as an organ. Slit me at my belly and it might slide out, meaty and dark, drop on the floor so you could stomp on it. ❞
— Gillian Flynn, Dark Places

Finnick told her the harsh truth like this: "You think the Games are over when you step off that train home. But they're not over—far from it. You've just entered a new stage of them." At the time, Madaket was only half-listening. She had snuck a bottle of gin from Lumo Hwangbo's liquor cabinet and a smoking joint sprouted from her lips, her cognizance fuzzy around the edges and a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth despite the serious content of his words. It seemed impossible that her sweet high could ever fade, so she had replied, "This new stage is fantastic."

By the time she attended her first Reaping as a victor, her sunny optimism darkened into deep depression. Being a tribute was hell, and being a mentor is only a more twisted version of the same experience. You have to look these two tributes—kids—in the eyes and try to drum up any scrap of measly advice you think will help in the arena, only to watch them die horrifically days later with pleads on their lips. Unable to do anything to ease their suffering, unable to turn away from the blood, unable to close her eyes without seeing their eyes staring right back, glassy and fogged over in death. It's enough to drive any sensible person slowly and methodically insane. And that's exactly what President Snow wants.

And maybe Madaket has always been a little too much like her mother. Soon enough, liquor and morphling are the only things that dull the pain of remembering. She spends each day in a drugged haze, only half aware of the world around her. Suddenly she's nineteen, feeling just as dead as her mother, seeking comfort only in the weight of the flask in her pocket, wondering how life could be any more cruel to her.

Then Annie Cresta is reaped for the 70th Hunger Games. Finnick Odair's estranged childhood friend, thrown into the same arena that he lost himself in just five years ago. Watching Annie fight for her life broke whatever strength Finnick had left, Madaket could see it in his weary sea-green eyes. Over the weeks, he wasted away same as Madaket, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Nobody could have known that Annie would win. Nobody could have known that her victory would ruin her completely.

Finnick stays in District 4 to try to help his old friend. Madaket stays in District 6 and wastes the year away. The sun rises and falls.

The dawn of the 71st Hunger Games approaches rapidly, and a wicked idea crawls its way into her mind. Maybe there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe I'd be better off buried alongside my mother. If she weren't so fucking sad, she might have laughed at the thought. Four years ago, she fought with tooth and nail to survive the burning wasteland of the 66th Games. Now she's twenty, and the idea of running into Death's cold embrace is becoming more and more comforting. And her eagerness to die just makes her all the more dangerous.

Jenna Ortega is . . .

MADAKET ROSALESVile, Filthy, Corrupt

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Vile, Filthy, Corrupt

MADAKET ROSALESVile, Filthy, Corrupt

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WITH . . .
louis partridge as finnick odair
sofia wylie as byatt ford
steven yeun as lumo hwangbo
julia barretto as annie cresta
lovie simone as johanna mason
others as described


A / N omg a new act?? welcome to 20 y/o madaket she's even more unhinged than catching fire madaket <33 WARNING IN ADVANCE: this act centers heavily around drug dependency and forced prostitution. characters will be doing drugs, but they are all of age, and though there will be some euphoric "highs" associated with substances, i'll also depict the inevitable "lows" too. kids, don't read this book and start doing drugs i am not responsible for your unwise choices. i will not be depicting ANY prostitution/forced s*x scenes in this book, the only mention of them will be allusions/implications. regardless, trigger warnings will be placed at the top of chapters as always. stay safe, read with discretion <3

started: 12/18/22
ended: t.b.d.

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