09. He knows something you don't

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he knows something you don't
content: general angst, kids getting injured, suicidal thoughts.

ACT I, CHAPTER NINE❛ he knows something you don't ❜content: general angst, kids getting injured, suicidal thoughts

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As usual, Luxa is sure to wake Madaket up bright and early to tackle the day with a sickening optimism. A floral print scarf replaces her trademark flower wig, wrapped around her head and tied into a neat bow near her left ear. Madaket knows that the change of appearance is only because no cameras will be on them today. The escort is confident that no paparazzi will snap a picture of her undone hair (Skies forbid!). Though Madaket knows that Luxa might be criticized by other Capitol citizens, she can't help feeling relieved that Luxa looks somewhat normal. It will make getting through today easier, no doubt.

     The atmosphere at breakfast is a solemn one, indeed. The discussion mostly centers around the itinerary for the day. Luxa has been placed in charge of teaching Wylan and Madaket manners, which Madaket translated to mean "Capitol mannerisms." Luxa explains that there's a certain way to walk, shake a hand, sit, and carry a conversation. Madaket never knew that there were so many rules to follow. For a moment, she assumes that Luxa is micromanaging until Oto confirms her words.

     "Capitol people take manners very seriously," he says. It's clear that he's directing this statement at Madaket, whose face must've clearly shown her doubt. "If you do the wrong thing, it will be taken personally. You'll immediately be seen as district scum and be written off as un-sponsorable."

     "Well, we do appreciate politeness," Luxa quips back with a playful grin.

     Madaket neglects to inform Luxa that stealing Madaket away from her mother and Byatt and forcing her to compete in a killer's pageant is far from polite.

     Once the Avoxes clear breakfast from the dining table, Wylan and Madaket are separated. They decide collectively that the few hours before lunch will be time for Wylan to practice interviewing with Oto, and Madaket to get a lesson in etiquette from Luxa; when they finish lunch, they'll switch. Luxa shepherds Madaket into the living room and tells her to sit on the nearest couch like a dog. Madaket has to wait while Luxa rushes to her room to grab her "stilettos," which Madaket doesn't question.

Luxa returns with a pair of red shiny high heels and suddenly Madaket is on her feet and three inches taller, wobbling as she tries to relearn walking in these precarious stilettos, internally screaming at herself to not look at the ground. Slowly, ignoring Luxa's unhelpful advice, she becomes more stable and confident. Before long, she's walking without stumbling. Luxa declares Madaket ready for "any heels Pippy throws a you" and instructs her to remove the heels. It's only now that Madaket speaks up.

     "There's no practicality to these things," she says with disdain as she hands them back to Luxa. "How do your feet not get sore when you walk around?"

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