ACT I: Girl Thief

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The Hunger Games


Girl Thief

ACT ONEGirl Thief

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❝ The truly frightening flaw in humanity is our capacity for cruelty—we all have it

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❝ The truly frightening flaw in humanity is our capacity for cruelty—we all have it. ❞
— Gillian Flynn, Dark Places

          Sun has never shined on Smogborough, District 6's overpopulated factory city, gray with ash from the smokestacks. The brutal reality is that out of every one-hundred children born in the city, forty-three will be dead before they hit the age of eighteen. Out of the surviving fifty-seven, only eight will make it past the age of forty. Painkillers are cheaper than bread, Peacekeepers shoot before interrogating, and the air is so thick with smog and chemicals that many die simply by breathing.

Each year, in the annual culling that rips two children from home to participate in a pageant of killers, the District 6 kids are the first ones to go. What advantage do they really have against other districts who have thrown knives before holding pencils? The answer is nothing. So, the killing of children in District 6 is a silent affair. They watch, ashen-faced, in the town square as the girl from math class is beheaded, and the baker's boy gets eaten alive by mutations. And, they move on. In a district where everybody is acquainted with death, you learn to grit your teeth and accept the harsh reality; District 6 will never be hospitable.

Madaket Rosales is no different. From the moment that her name is pulled from the glass bowl on stage, her coffin has been built somewhere in the Capitol. She suspects that there's a place in District 6's morgue for her already. She is fifteen and she is going to die.

There's one critical difference between Madaket and her predecessors, however. Madaket is not going to let her past be a ball and chain around her ankle. It has happened before, but not in a long while; a tribute from an outlying district survives longer than the rest, and against all odds, comes out victorious. Madaket refuses to be another number in a database. She will be victorious, no matter how daunting the task ahead of her.

This is how a corpse reclaims its death. This is how Madaket Rosales will tip the scales back, violently.

Y! Jenna Ortega is . . .


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A Thief and a Liar


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WITH . . .
sofia wylie as byatt ford
y! ethan hwang as wylan kwon
y! courtney eaton as kaimana (d4)
louis partridge as finnick odair
maxence danet-fauvel as copper (d1)
jessica henwick as azula (d1)
kathryn newton as marie (d10)
diego tinoco as huxley (d10)


A / N   welcome to the edit of dark places! madaket's name is pronounced "mad-ah-kit" just fyi! if you enjoy my thg work, you're in luck, because i have 2 other hunger games fics: a haymitch abernathy fic and a catching fire fic!! (i am addicted to thg, i know) please enjoy this rewrite, and be sure to vote/comment your thoughts throughout the book!

started: 12/11/2020
ended: 3/15/2021
edited: 8/14/2022

Dark Places / Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now