07. We are the poisoned youth

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 we are the poisoned youth ❜
content: general angst, violence, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mention of explosions/scenes of mass terror, momentary suicidal thoughts.

ACT I, CHAPTER SEVEN❛ we are the poisoned youth ❜content: general angst, violence, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mention of explosions/scenes of mass terror, momentary suicidal thoughts

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The Training Center is made up of twelve layers of apartment complexes built atop a basement gymnasium level. Madaket won't be able to visit it until Luxa takes her at ten the next morning. Still, she eyes the button labeled B on the wall as the elevator moves into the sky, wires whirring above them. The journey to District 6's floor goes quicker than expected. The doors slide open, revealing the place that Madaket will stay until the Games.

     If she thought that the train was luxurious, she was in for a shock as she enters the apartment, followed closely by her mentors and escort. To her immediate right is a split-level living room with plush white couches, olive green rugs, and a ginormous wall-mounted television that is taller than her. To the left is a staircase leading to a wooden dining table surrounded by cushioned green chairs. Avoxes stand at attention around the table, holding pitchers of cold water and warm wine. Down a large hallway straight back from the front door, Madaket can make out several smaller doors, presumably leading to the sleeping quarters. She doesn't have much to take in before Raven, Oto, and Luxa begin to mount the stairs to the dining room. She sends Wylan a curt glance, finding that he has already taken off the white wings from his head and is now holding them, looking for a place to set them down. 

     Madaket copies him, her head feeling ten times lighter as she tries to hold onto her flapping wings. The white feathers are slick and difficult to grip. Soon as they ascend the staircase, two Avoxes have appeared, holding out their hands. For a moment, both Madaket and Wylan share an uncertain look. Then, Madaket's eyebrows unfurrow and she gently hands the pair of squirming wings to the Avox nearest to her, muttering a small "thank you." Wylan does the same, and the two Avoxes scurry off, disappearing down a servant's hallway built into the far wall. 

     Madaket takes a seat across from Oto, and Wylan frustratingly chooses the spot next to her. Before she can move, more Avoxes swarm them with a barrage of dishes. On tonight's menu is spiced and honeyed lamb, served with a savory broth and rolls of bread so soft and warm it melted on the tongue. Madaket dips chunks of bread into the broth as she eyes the space around her. There are tinted windows, showing a dark sky. It feels much later than she's used to eating dinner. Perhaps it's her sleep deprivation kicking in.

     "Tomorrow is the first day of training," Oto says after they finish their meal. He reclines in his seat lazily. "Try to work on survival skills the most. Maybe become familiar with a knife or spear."

     Madaket nods. Her mind is swirling with anticipation for the next day. Tomorrow will be the first time that all her competition is in one room together. Sure, she saw the Careers during the Parade, but now, she'll actually see them in action. It's a thought that pools a confusing mix of excitement and anxiety in her stomach. She tries to swallow the lump building in her throat.

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