10. They smell your young blood

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they smell your young blood
content: general angst, rich people sexualizing minors.

ACT I, CHAPTER TEN❛ they smell your young blood ❜content: general angst, rich people sexualizing minors

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Madaket Rosales has never been a people pleaser. She finds respite in pessimism and sneers, in ripped edges and acts of thievery. As she dusts off the grogginess of a night spent tossing and turning, she realizes with a sinking feeling that today, she'll have to wear a fake smile for once.

     Her aim today is to appear as innocuous as a lamb. She can't be seen as quiet or reserved. Sponsors will never endorse a meek girl. But the thought of amplifying her personality for the entertainment of the Capitol is sickening. None of the Capitol's citizens can truly understand who she is on the inside. When she walks on stage with a pretty smile, they will see her as only a body, blood to spill and bones to break inside smooth tawny brown skin. In only a day, she will be in the arena. She knows that no matter how hard she smiles or how much she makes the crowd laugh, they will still cheer when her blood is spilled on screen. There is no way to make them see her as truly human.

That is what makes it difficult to get out of bed. The interviews are superficial. The Capitol will never see her as anything more than a lamb for slaughter.

     Luxa collects her early in the morning, professing that it will be another "big, big day!" Madaket dresses in the same clothes as yesterday, considering they aren't soiled. There are only a few wrinkles on the shirt from hours spent crumpled on the floor. Besides, her prep team will be stripping her down anyway to buff out any problems with her physique.

     She cleans her teeth in the bathroom but doesn't dare touch her hair. Her prep team would definitely throw a fit if she did anything rash with it. Instead, she makes her way to the dining room for breakfast. Wylan seems to be the only one not present. Madaket wolfs down two pancakes and an orange before Wylan arrives. He looks exhausted. Dark circles are puffy under his lower lashline. She turns away from him, wondering how he could possibly get less sleep than her. 

     As Madaket finishes her breakfast, Raven clears her throat awkwardly and turns to Madaket with a bittersweet look on her face. "Madaket, we have some news concerning sponsors."

     Madaket perks up. "Yes?"

     "It's become apparent that many sponsors are flocking to you for some reason," Raven says, sharing a quick look with Oto. "We assume it's because of your appearance."

     Madaket practically chokes on her orange slice. This news is surprising to say the very least. Raven's implying that because Madaket's pretty, she's been given much more attention. It reminds her, again, of Finnick Odair, who largely won because of his good looks. Madaket doesn't consider herself very attractive. Especially when there are more important things to worry about than her looks. The fact that she's being singled out already is something that simultaneously motivates her and horrifies her.

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