Chapter Two

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"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in," Nate sneered as Pierce and Declan pulled up two seats next to his at the bar.

"It's only 10:30, what happened Pierce? None of your pickup lines work in Vegas?"

"Oh they work just fine," Pierce said with a smile "And the night is young my friend."

"You strike out too, Dec?" Nate said with a laugh.

"You have to step up to the plate before you can strike out," Pierce interrupted as he playfully slapped Declan on the back.

"Where's Claire?" Declan asked as a quick subject change, not wanting to talk about his dry spell.

"She's a cheap date," Nate laughed. "Had a few too many at karaoke and is already asleep in the room."

"Why aren't you up there too, you know...sleeping," Pierce said as he waggled his eyebrows.

Pierce was definitely the playboy of the group and had the ability to work a sexual joke into any conversation. It was a skill he prided himself on.

Nate chuckled to himself as he finished off his beer. "I would be, but I have to go pick up Lexi at the airport at 11:00. I was just about to head out. Either of you want to come with?"

"I'll go, is she hot?" Pierce said eagerly.

"Allll right then. That's definitely not happening. Dec, you interested?" Nate asked

"Yep, that means she is, I'm goin'" Pierce declared.

"Like hell," Nate said flatly.

"Dec you in, or are going to cruise some more clubs with this animal?"

"Sure I'll tag along. Pierce's pick up lines are shit anyway."

Pierce clutched his chest and let his jaw slack open pretending to be offended.

"Marcus and Caleb are upstairs in the room watching the equipment and playing some cards. Feel free to crash that party," Nate said as he stood and closed his tab at the hotel bar.

"Thrilling" Pierce shot back with an eye roll as the three men parted ways.

They took Nate's Tahoe to the airport. Normally they'd take a cab, but Nate brought some heavy duty equipment to Vegas and needed his vehicle to cart it around.  Nate was a technology genius and was being spotlighted at a conference in Vegas for some of his "tech toys" as he calls them.

He was showcasing some military grade drone technology that was worth shit ton of money and asked Declan's private security company to run security during the week long conference in Vegas. The men jumped at the opportunity mostly because Nate is a close friend to the team and does contract work for Knight security, but also because working a job in Vegas was like a mini-vacation for Declan's team.

The agreement was to watch the equipment in shifts and escort the cases to and from the convention center with Nate. Nate's new bride, Claire had come on the trip as well.

Claire had been talking about their friend Lexi nonstop all day. Apparently Lexi lived out of state and they didn't get to see her very often, but Declan could tell they were close.

"So Lexi is one of Claire's friends?" Declan asked on the ride over. 

"Claire claims Lexi as her own because they were college roommates, but Lexi was technically my friend first. We grew up together. She's basically family," Nate said his voice full of sincerity. "She's a teacher like Claire."

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