Chapter Thirty One

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Estrada leaned forward on to his knuckles as he eyed the seven men who sat in front of him at the table. Fury burned within him as he addressed his men.

"What the fuck happened?" he bit out each word as he glared at one man in particular.

"I swear I don't know how they found us," Perez answered him in a shaky voice.

Asher knew Perez was the fourth man on the scene at the warehouse in El Paso, but he somehow managed to get away unharmed which was suspicious. He either gave away Mario's position or he abandoned him and left him to die. Both scenarios were not going to end well for Perez and the whole room knew it.

"Seems to me like they didn't find us, they only found Mario, Ricky, and Torres. So where the hell were you?"

"Those bastards came out of nowhere, Diego. Got the drop on us from behind, so I just ran. I wasn't thinking."

A deep frown settled on Estrada's face as he nodded his head sarcastically, feigning acceptance of Perez's response. Taking his weight off his knuckles and righting himself, Estrada started unbuttoning the cuffs of his shirt in preparation to roll his sleeves.

"I saw three men on the video feed. Three." Estrada held up his pinky, ring, and middle finger for emphasis before continuing.

"Do you know what that means Perez?"

The man who sat in front of him could only swallow hard in response as Estrada pulled a gun from his waistband and laid it on the table.

"It means if you wouldn't have run, they would have been out numbered. It means Mario, my nephew, my own flesh and blood would be sitting here tonight. But look around - go on look! Do you see him?"

Frozen in place Perez never took his eyes off of the gun on the table.

"I said look around!" Estrada's thunderous voice filled the room as he picked up the gun which provided Perez with proper motivation.

Turning his head back and forth he complied with Estrada's request.

"Now answer me. Do you see him here tonight?" Estrada asked once more.

" I don't see him," Perez answered as he began to visibly sweat.

"Exactly. But you're about to," Estrada answered coldly.

The loud crack of Estrada's gun exploded through the room causing the men at the table to jump. Perez's head snapped back before his body slumped forward onto the table with a sickening thud.

Asher felt a warm mist spread across the side of his face and knew instantly he was covered in his friends blood, but he remained still with his eyes trained on Estrada, knowing any sign of compassion might put him in the cross hairs next.

"Let that be a lesson to you all. You're all fucking expendable," He growled.

"The situation has changed," Estrada continued flatly.

"Williamson has informed me that the DEA was seeking aide from a group in the private sector. Led by a man that Thompson here decided to pick a fucking fight with."

Asher stiffened at the mention of his name and watched helplessly as Estrada raised the gun again only this time it was in his direction.

"I ought to blow your brains all over this room for causing me so much trouble," Estrada seethed.

"But you're going to fix this. You're all going to fix this," he said as he swept the gun across the entire table.

"I need this tactical team eradicated immediately. I want them to die - badly. Especially this one."

He tossed a photograph onto the table toward Asher.

"It's a still shot from the live video of the bastard that killed Mario. I want him for myself."

Asher peeled the photograph out of the blood that had pooled on the table. It was a dark figure with a painted face. Barely recognizable as a human at all much less someone he could identify.

"Do you know who it is?" Damion asked.

"I can't tell. I can't see anything identifiable in this picture, Diego. How am I supposed to find this asshole if I can't even really see him?"

"Figure it out! Williamson said his supervisor locked the files on this case and digging any deeper on his end would out him as my rat. So you're on your own. You will find him and bring him to me. Kill the rest."

"Maybe your little girlfriend could tell us who it is. You said she's been spending every day with these jackasses. Maybe we should pay her a little visit and ask." Damion suggested.

"Do it." Estrada hissed.

"But be smart about it!" he yelled.

"They will be on high alert after El Paso."

"Want us to wait them out?" Hector asked.

"A good enemy hits you where you think you're safe." Estrada stated.

"Make them feel safe. Then end them," Estrada growled at the men in front of him.

"And Asher, if you fail, expect the same mercy that I just bestowed upon Perez."

Asher let his gaze travel down to his friend beside him on the table. His eyes were open staring sightlessly with his shocked expression still plastered on his face. 

He couldn't fail. 

He channeled the most ruthless part of his soul knowing if he couldn't carry out the deed assigned to him he'd end up just like Perez. But of all the despicable things that Diego had instructed him to do, this particular task was going to be the most enjoyable. 

Lexi continued to make a fool out of him and was now affecting his chances of running one of Diego's compounds. His jaw ticked with need as he envisioned himself taking Lexis life with his bare hands. Watching the light leave her eyes was what he now craved most in this world. The image brought a cruel smile to his face and he knew if he could get his hands on her, Declan Packard and all of his buddies would come running. 

He just had to bide his time.


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