Chapter Fifteen

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The muscles in Declan's neck strained and spasmed as he grit his teeth and stormed into Pierces room. He wanted to punch through every wall in that hotel and scream at the top of his lungs.

"Oh shit, what's wrong Boss?" Caleb asked as soon as he laid eyes on Declan.

Words were still out of the question. He desperately tried to regain his control but he was spiraling. He couldn't even think straight much less form words to explain what the hell just happened.

"Dec, what's up?" Pierce echoed.

Another question unanswered as he paced the room like a caged animal.

His hand angrily landed on the door knob to Nate's room, but froze before he was able to turn it. The logical side of him screamed and stalled his movement.  What good would it do to talk to Nate and Claire? They were Lexi's closest friends.

They wouldn't appreciate Declan bad mouthing her or worse, they might even defend her. Dropping his grip on the knob he ran his hand through his hair letting out a frustrated breath.

"Fuck!" he yelled in exasperation.

"Dec talk to us, brother," Marcus rumbled from behind him.

"Not here," he finally replied as he cut his eyes toward Nate's room

"Let's go down to the bar. I need a drink."

After the men were situated at a table Declan told Marcus, Pierce, and Caleb what had just happened. All three men looked just as confused as Declan had as they tried to piece things together.

"A boyfriend?" Pierce said.

"But she's been all over you for four days." Caleb added.

"Why don't you ask Nate and Claire about this boyfriend, they'd probably know more that we would." Marcus suggested.


"I'm not going to bad mouth Lexi to them. I'm not letting her ruin my friendship with Nate and talking shit about one of his closest friends might do just that."

"It just doesn't make any damn sense," Marcus huffed.

"I'm so fucking stupid." Declan hung his head over his beer.

"I should have known it was all an act. I should have seen it. No one's that perfect."

"She fooled all of us Dec. Don't beat yourself up like that, man," Pierce said as he grabbed hold of Declan's shoulder.

"I still think you should talk to Nate and Claire. They could at least shed some light on the situation," Marcus tried once more.

"I said No. I don't want to get them involved. What if they defend her? I just want this shit to be over."

Declan guzzled the contents of the bottle in front of him and threw his hand up motioning for the bartender to bring him another.

"Want to go find this guy and beat his ass?" Caleb joked.

"The asshole actually invited me to Spades so he could buy me a drink and a lap dance," Declan said harshly.

"Well I think you should take him up on that offer. Show Lexi what she's missing" Pierce said excitedly.

"You think?" Declan said feeding off of the energy of his teammates.

"Hell yeah!" Caleb said.

"What do you say Marcus? Nates staying in tonight with Claire. You in?" Pierce asked.

"Well somebody's got to supervise you animals." He said reluctantly.

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