Chapter Thirty

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**If you are the type of reader that skips the smut, go ahead and skip this chapter :)**


As if her words gave him permission to devour her, Declan's lips crashed into hers as he tightened his hold on her. Curling one arm around her back and leaving the other at her neck, he pulled her into him completely as he consumed her.

His passion seeped into her as he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth using his thumb under her jaw as leverage.

They were both breathless as he broke contact with her lips, moving down the sides of her neck and giving special attention to the soft sensitive skin there. Feeling his teeth make gentle contact with her flesh, she let out a soft moan at the change in sensation and arched herself into him further.

Resurfacing for air once more, he let an animal-like growl escape from the depths of his throat as he dropped his mouth onto hers again. His kisses were forceful and passionate and Lexi gave herself to him completely letting him move her where he needed her and take any part of her that he desired.

Ripping his mouth from hers as if it were painful to break contact, Declan wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck and steadied her head with his thumbs on the sides of her face. He rested his forehead against hers as they both breathed heavily.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said breathlessly.

"You won't."

Lexi could practically hear his internal battle as he squeezed his eyes closed. She had given him permission but he couldn't bear the thought of hurting her. She knew he'd be gentle and would avoid the areas that were still healing, but he didn't trust himself. He needed something more than just permission.

"I'm yours, Dec. Take me." She commanded.

Desire flashed in his eyes before he swept her up off of the couch and into his arms as if she weighed nothing.

He placed her feet down gently on the ground at the side of his bed with his hand immediately moving to the hem of her shirt to lift it over her head.

Allowing him to remove her shirt her hands instinctively went to cover her bare breasts. The marks on her body were healing and faded but weren't completely gone.

"You know of all the criminal acts I've encountered in this world, covering your perfect body like that might be the worst one I've witnessed," he said as he flashed her a devastating smile.

"But you can still see..." Her voice trailed off as he interrupted her.

"I only see you."

The low vibration of his voice settled into her ear as he used his strong hands to ease her arms away from her body.

Reaching his arms back behind his head he grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it off in one fluid motion as he put his scars on display for her.

"Better?" he asked.

Without answering, she pressed her body against his, lifting herself up onto her tip toes to meet his lips and dragging her tight nipples up his chest.

He leaned to over to the night stand and started rummaging around for a condom, but she stopped his frantic motion with two words. "Birth control."

"You're sure?" he said with a sexy smile and fire in his eyes.

"I'm sure," she said lifting her mouth to meet his once more. 

Dropping his mouth onto hers he eased both of them backwards onto the bed, taking all of her weight and positioning her exactly where he wanted her.

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