Chapter Six

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Declan ~

The session Lexi wanted to attend hadn't started yet, so she and Declan waited in the hallway outside. The crowds had died down since the morning sessions were still ongoing and Declan leaned against a wall as Lexi eyed the exhibit booths in front of him.

He knew he was playing with fire by spending time alone with Lexi and a pang of guilt hit him in the gut. Nate's words still burned in his ears, but he couldn't help himself. Declan could feel himself becoming more and more addicted to Lexi's presence.

The draw to Lexi was magnetic and he could tell by her reactions to him that she was feeling the same way.

What Nate doesn't know won't hurt him.

Lexi grabbed a pamphlet for the presenter they were about to watch and eagerly flipped through it. Her expression turned serious as she concentrated on the text and Declan enjoyed watching her read.

An influx of people began filling the hall as one session let out, but Lexi was too engrossed in reading to notice she was standing in the path of foot traffic.

Without hesitation Declan placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her backwards to where he was leaned against the wall. Instinctively, Lexi moved wherever Declan guided her, but her eyes never left the pamphlet she was reading.

He pulled her until she was completely out of the way with her back flush against his chest and his heart swelled when he felt her lean back and relax into him as she continued to read.

She was so tiny, he could have rested his chin on the top of her head and his hands felt massive on her shoulders, but everything suddenly felt right in the world. Like perfect puzzle pieces that snapped together effortlessly.

Lexi turned over the shoulder and looked up at him with her face almost touching his.

"Do you think we can go in now?" she asked with a smile. Declan eyed the crowd that was exiting both doors of the auditorium they needed to enter before answering.

"Let's give them a few more minutes to clear out."

Lexi didn't respond with words she just nodded her head in acceptance and rested it back against his chest. That's it? no snarky comments? No arguments?

This was so different than any time he had spent with Amanda. Lexi was completely comfortable letting Declan be in control which made Declan want to pound his chest like a caveman. She was submissive in the best way possible because even though she was strong and capable, she willing gave her control to Declan because she trusted him. She let him call the shots, not because she couldn't, but because she trusted his judgement.

His thoughts instantly took him to the bedroom and he imagined all the ways Lexi might trust and submit to him there. Every bone in his body wanted to see how she'd react if he flipped her around and pinned her against the wall they were leaning on. Would she trust him enough to let him take control and show her how good he could make her feel?  Looking down at her, he eyed the soft exposed skin on her shoulder and resisted the urge to taste it. He wanted to lick and suck his way up her neck until he reached her perfect lips and wondered if she'd let him.

Shaking his head to keep his mind out of the gutter, Declan spotted an entry point.

"Looks pretty clear on that side," he said as he side stepped out from behind Lexi. She raised herself up onto her tip toes trying to see over the crowd, but failed.

"This way smalls," Declan said with a chuckle. Grasping her hand in his, he led Lexi through the crowd and into the auditorium. This speaker must have been much more popular than Nate because the place was packed with people.

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