Chapter Thirty Eight

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Taking seats around a large conference table Bravo and Delta team talked through their plan of action. 

"We know those bastards have no intention of letting any of us walk out of there alive. Including Lexi," Declan started.

"Agreed, this whole fake exchange is just a ploy to get us to offer ourselves up as sacrificial lambs at their door step," Hunter affirmed Declan's suspicions as Nate entered the room with a large print out of the property.

"What's the layout look like Nate?" Marcus asked.

Smoothing the papers out onto the table Nate described the property to them, pointing and tapping on the paper as he spoke.

"This place is off the grid gentlemen. Way off. There's two main structures. The largest structure here, looks like this is the main house, a second structure here, that's slightly smaller. There is a third structure, if you want to call it that, here, next to this body of water. Looks to be a small boat house or maybe just a small shed connected to a dock."

The men around the table studied the blueprint as Nate continued.

"There's only one road in and out of that place and I'm about to run some surveillance to see if I can get you a headcount for the party."

Leaving the blueprints behind Nate left the room giving Declan an encouraging slap on the shoulder as he passed.

"So what's the play Boss?"

"I think the element of surprise is our only shot at this. I say we split the teams and breach both of the main structures simultaneously. If we can sweep the buildings fast enough It could put enough pressure on them to forget about Lexi and defend themselves instead."

"I like that. Make em' choose. Because you know they'll choose themselves," Pierce added with a coldness to his voice that was uncharacteristic.

The men discussed the logistics and talked through as many scenarios as they could possibly think of. Declan waited for the right moment before turning to Hunter to make one final suggestion.

"I think Marcus needs to run point on this operation, sir." 

The entire room swiveled their heads to look at him.

"I'm emotionally compromised. We all know it and I'm man enough to admit it. Maybe if I was able to see past Lexi and make those tough calls like an operative instead of a boyfriend we would't be in this mess. Her safety clouds my judgement and makes me hesitate and I refuse to put any of you in harms way due to my closeness to this situation. Marcus needs to take lead."

Hunter soaked in his words and agreed, giving him a nod of approval before turning to Marcus and addressing the group.

"Bravo two will run point," He stated maintaining eye contact with Marcus.

"Let's talk Med-evac for Lex." Caleb said as he eyed the blueprints.

"Nowhere to land a bird here. Trees are too dense."

"Looks like we'll have to use this clearing here." Marcus pointed to a break in the tree line on the map.

"It'll be a little bit of a trek, but I can work with that. I'll get Nate to send med-evac team the coordinates and have them on standby."

Declan had all the confidence in the world that Caleb could get Lexi stabilized until they could get her to the rendezvous point at the clearing.

"Mind if I join the party?" A deep throaty voice said from the doorway.

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