Chapter Forty Four

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Voices had come and gone, cutting through the peaceful quiet, occasionally rousing her, but ultimately disappearing. Over and over the voices sounded, but were too far and too muffled to understand. She tried to focus on the sounds and syllables of the words that were floating around her, but only one word resonated fully. "Fight."

It was clear and distinct like a command.

It was the only word that resounded loudly enough for her to understand so she clung to it and concentrated on it.

After a while the voices were louder, closer, but still too muffled to recognize. It was irritating. She wanted to know who was talking and what they were saying so badly, but she couldn't move toward the sound.

Eventually the sound grew louder. The voice became audible and she was able to register it immediately.

Declan. That's Declan's voice.

The sweet sound fueled her as she battled her own eyelids and just as she had nearly pried them open she felt a familiar sensation on her face. She'd know Declan's touch anywhere and she leaned into, chasing it as she fought against herself.

Am I in Heaven?

The thought had wrapped her in a cocoon of euphoria and as her eyes finally flitted and fluttered open she saw his perfect face. His features were blurred and out of focus, but it was Declan. His touch, his scent, it was all around her and healed her aching heart.

"There you are, gorgeous," he soothed as he gently touched the side of her face.

This is definitely Heaven if Declan is here.

She wanted to jump into his arms to celebrate being reunited, but her arms denied her every command. Straining and flexing, she compelled her unwilling muscles to move, but they refused.

Why can't I move?

"Easy, baby. Let's take this slow." Declan's deep voice settled in her ears.

She focused on his face as it started to regain its detail. Soon after that smells invaded and overpowered Declan's clean scent. The smell was sterile, like disinfectant and rubbing alcohol.

The lights around Declan were bright and seemed as if they were getting brighter, blinding and burning, causing an ache in her head and forcing her to squint in response.

"Kill the lights." Declan's thunderous voice echoed prompting the area around him to dim almost instantly.

This can't be Heaven. Why do I hurt? Why can't I move?

The once tranquil feeling that had enveloped her had faded. Every second that passed introduced a new sensation of pain and her senses were overwhelmed and overpowered by the flood of stimuli. Flashes of blurred images, loud noises, and sharp pains assaulted her as her body regained its faculties and awareness.

"Calm down gorgeous, you're okay."

Through the pain that racked her body she felt Declan's rough hand wrap around hers and squeeze. It was comforting and calmed her enough to let her mind catch up with her overloaded senses.

I am in a hospital. I am alive.

And if Declan is here holding my hand that must mean...

"Declan?" her tiny voice rasped.

"Yeah, gorgeous. I'm here. I'm right here."

Here. Alive. Declan was alive and so was she.

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