Chapter Twenty Three

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"Well if it isn't the frat boy turned felon." Damion maliciously teased Asher as he entered the room.

Damion was Diego Estrada's second in command and hated Asher with every fiber of his being for a myriad of reasons. The most obvious reason being that he felt Asher was undeserving of the rank he had been given in Estrada's organization. Damion suspected it was largely due to Asher's accountant father who had been secretly cooking the books for Estrada since Asher was in diapers.

"Eat shit, Damion," Asher snarled as he took a seat the table.

Estrada had called for an emergency meeting. Asher knew it had to be about El Paso since he and Damion were heading that location.

The doors to the study flew open and slammed against the walls as Estrada stormed in with a folder in hand.

"Someone better explain why there's a DEA raid planned on my El Paso warehouse!" he roared.

Both men stared up at Estrada in disbelief with no explanations to give him.

"Williamson?" Damion asked.

"Yes, Williamson. He gave me a courtesy call this morning. My rat in the DEA has been worth his weight in gold. Your worth, on the other hand, is something I'm starting to question."

He threw the folder onto the table, sending its contents flying toward the two men.

"Who the fuck is this?" Diego seethed.

Both Asher and Damion grabbed one of the many photographs that had spilled from the folder.

Asher's lungs seized as his eyes scanned the picture . It was a long range photograph of Declan, Nate and a DEA agent sitting at a table.

"I know this asshole!" Asher exclaimed as his finger jabbed at Declan's face.

"Care to explain why he's organizing a raid on my warehouse?"

"He's a part of the raid?" Asher asked in disbelief.

"This can't be a coincidence," he muttered under his breath.

"Why don't you share with the class," Damion sneered, delighting in the fact that Asher was in the hot seat.

"This has got to be revenge. That's Lexi's new boyfriend. We had an um... altercation in Vegas."

"So this is all over some bitch you two are fighting over?" Damion screamed.

"I guess! This is the first time I'm fucking hearing about it, Damion!"

Estrada remained silent but slammed is hands onto the table which immediately silenced the bickering of the men in front of him.

"Enough!" he roared.

"Asher, you fucked up. This guy is no Boy Scout. We're talking heavy military ties. Black ops shit. And you just made him our enemy."

Asher held his silence and trained his eyes on the gun in Estrada's side holster knowing it was possible he was about to catch a bullet between the eyes.

"So you're going to fix it - and you're going to help him." Estrada stated as he gestured to Asher then Damion.

"Why do I have to clean up his mess?"

"Because his problem is now our problem!" Estrada yelled.

"I don't give a shit who you fuck or fight with, but this asshole has messed with my money, affected my business and he's going to pay dearly for it. You two are going to see to that."

Vicious smiles stretched across both of the men's faces.

"Now get out of my sight, while I figure this out."

The two men left the study and made their way down the marble hallways leading to the front door of one of Estrada's homes.

"We've got to be smart about this one Asher. He's not just some Joe-shmo off the street."

"Oh don't you worry" Asher said as he eyed the file once more.

"I know exactly how to get to Declan Packard."

"And how's that?"

"He's got a weakness, a soft spot I can't wait to exploit - and she's got brown hair and hazel eyes."

"So you want to use her to kill him?" Damion asked

"Why not kill them both - hell kill them all." Asher suggested.

"Even better." 


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