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"You okay?" Ariana asked

I looked over at Mel and Beau who were laughing and talking,

"Couldn't be better.." I smiled.


The first week of school was.. good, surprisingly, despite the rumors of me lying about the fact that Melanie is Beau's baby, it was good. The second week went okay to, more and more garbage and name calling piled on me but I had the Janoskians, Ariana, Mark, Sam, and Ben I guess to help me; Ben was different then I thought, he was sweet, he apologized to me a dozen of times and I guess I accept them.

Everyday after work I would go to Beau's and as much as my brother and mom hates it I didn't care, I loved to see Beau and Mel bond.

"so when do you think we should tell Mel," Beau says over FaceTime as I sit doing my makeup

"beau I told you we'll tell her soon," I said not knowing when we actually would tell her about Beau being her dad.

"When is soon Lis," he sighed, "she should know,"

"And she will," I say finishing up my makeup and brushing my hair. I took my phone into my hands, "Pick me up in 10, I have to go and see if Mel's dressed,"

"Okay see you," He says and ends the FaceTime call. It was saturday and Mel the boys and I were going to the zoo. Yes, this is very risky because of paparazzi but we've been getting bombarded by paparazzi for 2 weeks, we can handle it.

"Melanie if I come in there and you're not dressed we aren't going," I yelled putting my phone and wallet in a purse

"I'm ready," She said coming into my room with her sundress and sunglasses.

I chuckled, "Babe I think it's a little cold for a sun dress,". She huffed a breath and stumbled into her room coming out in what I laid out for her (Picture on top.)

"can I keep the sunglasses?" she asked

"fine," I playfully roll my eyes and we walk down the stairs

 "zoo?" Jason asked, I nodded.

"Risky," My mom muttered.

 "I don't know why you just can't accept that I believe Beau is.." I looked at Mel and back at them, "A great.. person," I widened my eyes at person meaning dad

"I just don't think he's the greatest influence," My mom said

I rolled my eyes, "You don't even know him,". She raised her voice, "I know how they act okay Larissa! he is not father material"

I got wide eyed, I grabbed melanie in my arms and left the house.

Beauuuuu😍😛: I'm like turning the corner

Me: gotchu, I'm outside

He turned the corner and I saw his car, I walked to the driveway. He got out of the car to put melanie in her car seat which made me smile.

"Sit in the front," He says to me and I do. I see another car pull up with James, Daniel, Luke, and Jai inside and I wave to them and they wave back.

"Let's go," Beau says and I hop into the passengers seat, "Is it okay if ben comes along?" Beau asks unsure. I bite my lip feeling bad to say no but in all honestly I don't want him to come.

"fine," I say and regret it too.

We pick up ben and drive to the zoo.


When we got to the zoo the first thing Mel wanted to go see was the polar bear in the water so that's where we went.

"Look mommy he's so cute!" She says lightly tapping the glass as the polar bear does flips

"Very cute," I laugh tapping the glass my self, "we should get one," I joke and of course Melanie agrees


I smile as I watch Mel and Lis tapping the glass and laughing as the polar bear does flips.

"they're really something," james nudges me as he catches me smiling

I nod, "yeah, they really mean something to me,"

"ask her out," James says. I look at him, "she'll say no," I frown slightly

"Beau, she obviously feels the same way for you," James whispers


I hear James and Beau whisper behind us so I go to them.

"Watcha talking about boys?" I circle around them

"Nothing just the usual talking shit about you," James sticks his tongue out at me. I laugh, me and James have gotten awfully close he's sweet, he listens, he's like the brother Jason never was.

"Daddy," Mel says we all stop and watch her. 

She turns around, "Daddy," She says again since it was dark in the tunnel we couldn't recognize where she was looking.

She huffs a breath and walks toward Me and James and Beau, all of us still stunned. She grabs Beau's arm, "Did you not hear me?" She said, "I was calling your name," She rolls her eyes.

"Melly, how do you know Beau's your dad?" I crouch down to her

"All those photo people are saying it so it must be real," She says

I sigh, "Not all the things those people say are true babe, but this one is," I look up at Beau who's smiling wider then ever.

"Can me and daddy go see the snakes," She smiles slithering like a snake. Me and Beau laugh, "Sure," I say. "come with Mommy," She says 

I smile, "okay,"

The rest of the time was fun, except for getting bombarded by photo people as Melanie would say, asking questions like "beau are you and Larissa dating?" and "larissa are you pregnant again?" Ridiculous questions.

"I'm gonna go get cotton candy," Beau says as I watch the beautiful flower garden.

"Okay," I nod


I go to get cotton candy with Mel as Lis stays there watching the pretty flowers.

"Ask her out now," James says, "By the flower garden,"

I huff a breath of fear, "Are you sure?" I ask

"positive" James says, "She's like obsessed with the garden and I'm pretty sure she likes you," He says

"fine," I say and get the cotton candy.


I watch the pretty flowers as Ben approaches me, "Hey," he says.

"Hi," I say without looking. "Larissa," He says now he's gotten my attention. He has his head down, now I feel bad

"what's wrong?" I ask him, "I just, I feel horrible for what I did i didn't mean to come off as a dick, I just I like you," He says

"It's okay," I said, "really this time around I forgive you," I laugh and he looks up and laughs with me.

"larissa, will you go out with me?" He says as Beau comes back with our cotton candy one of them falling out of his hand hearing ben. 


anotha one with a mind fucked beau 

that one drunken night //beauWhere stories live. Discover now