part 43

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«─────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────»

I wrung out my washed hair, bending over and tossing it into a generic towel wrap. "Sometimes, I feel like you're going to work yourself to death." I teased, massaging moisturizing body lotion into the calves of my legs.

Keigo's outfit consisted of a pair of lazy sweatpants, he didn't bother to put on a shirt. His fingers typed rapid letters, responding to important mail and work matter that had piled up for the many hours we were free from Japan.

"That's the life you sign up for when you become a pro, I guess." he sighed. Abstract paintings lingered above the head of our double-bed, regal lace curtains sliding over the double windows in our hotel room.

Expensive glass vases with unique patterns could be seen on every surface space, the bedroom even had a plate of fruit- though I wasn't sure if any of it was authentic. Colors of greyish blue painted our bedside tables and carpeted floors.

Miniature crystal chandeliers hung from the tiered ceiling, though our room was dimly illuminated by a beige-colored lamp. "You should take a break, I mean. We're in Paris!" I changed into one of the many flowy nightgowns I had packed.

Keigo scooted aside, giving me a spot alongside him in the bed. It had a foam mattress, and I could just feel the warm cushions pulling me in like mythical sirens. I flung my drying hair over the fluffed pillows, laying on my side.

"I took my breaks last week, silly." he chuckled, tugging the shared blanket over my shivering body. Goosebumps arose from my arms and legs, there was nothing more that I wanted to do than cuddle.

I inched my way closer to Keigo, grasping a gentle grip around his muscular arms. The sound of mechanical key clicks and trackpad ticks rang my ears, I wanted to shut it out. "I've gotta meeting." he said.

"Can I see?" I peeked over, tilting up my head and playing with the switch over his camera monitor. "Off, and on." I giggled, Keigo not seeming to mind at all.

"God, I'm so tired!" he groaned loudly, laying back on the pillows. I inputted his meeting code, not joining the room until he gave me the signal. I delicately ran my fingers over his forearm, stroking over his skin softly. "I need a damn break."

I cupped his face with my hands, directing his eyes at me instead of the blinding screen. "Look at me, Keigo." I hushed, lightly planting my chapped lips atop his. His frown turned into a smile, minor saliva strings pulling away from our mouths as our lips parted.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." I brushed over his forehead, moving out of the camera view as he put on a serious act and joined the meeting. It was the Hero Public Safety Commission, the same bastards from before- the ones that turned Keigo into Hawks.

They forced him to abandon his name, to the point where it became hurtful to hear. Leaving behind your childhood experiences is something I could never imagine doing, even if it guaranteed me a life of wealth and fame.

But maybe it was for a reason, a logic behind it all that Keigo never bothered to tell me about. When I looked at the pro hero, all I could see was broken glass. I hoped that someday, I could repair that broken glass with love.

Honestly, I don't know a thing about his parents. Whether he had siblings or not, or even a stable family life- he never really told me. I wasn't going to budge in and ask, though. That all depended on him, and how he felt.

"You better kiss me after that meeting." I whispered through the crack between my fingers, the soft touch of my pinky caressing over the bloody chaps in my lips. After almost thirteen hours of travelling, I hadn't been maintaining them as well.

Keigo glanced to the side, his left hand patting over my head and tucking me into the sheets. I rubbed my nose against his side, wrapping my legs over his waist and clinging on for dear life. Honestly, I couldn't sleep without the pro hero's comfort.

He was in that meeting for hours, until the digital clock numbers turned into a bright "3:00 AM". By now, I had fallen asleep, my toes curling into the sheets and my mouth unconsciously hanging ajar.

Keigo passed his overheating laptop to the side, too exhausted to plug in the charger. He sank back into the mattress, his arms curling around my back and tugging my limp body near. "Here's that kiss."

The comforting feeling of lips whisked over the temples of my head, his electric touch sending sparks flying throughout the dusk air. He had turned off the lamp, and now it was just his glowing golden eyes amidst the dark bedroom.

"I should take a break, huh?" he mumbled, fumbling over on his back and gazing up at the ceiling. "Nah, especially if what I'm doing is to protect people."

"Though, I guess you're right." he played with my hair, making twirls with the splitting ends. "Well, hey! It's not everyday you get to travel to Paris."

"I'm just glad I got to spend this time with you." he rambled on, before coming to a close and beginning to sing. Keigo hummed me a lullaby, and unlike me, he was able to reach every high and low pitch.

His perfect melody warmed my beating heart, enough to make me feel every single sensation. Keigo's occasional pecks were filled to the brim with care, almost like he was my mother. That was a thought I didn't want to press too far into.

"I really, really love you." he murmured into my ear, interrupting his song. "And, you know what?"

"Someday.." Keigo fluttered his eyelashes, his shoulders relaxing themselves as he began to drift off to sleep. "Someday, (Y/N)-" his words were slurred, slowly diminishing into thin air.

"I'll make you my wife."


AN; THIS IS REALLY CUTR AWWWW wait i've been really obsessed with mukbang videos especially the ones from kwai like with the WEIRD food yknow?


it's almost 5 am so i might head to bed now but i kinda doubt that? i haven't been able to get tired until around 6-7 am but i'll just lay down or something

alright, i love you all too too much. thank you for reading my story, it means a lot to me <3

credit to: sunny7bird on Twitter
words: 1119

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