part 55

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«─────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────»

I couldn't stop laughing, the look on Keigo's face was absolutely priceless. "No, stop!" I cracked up, my two feet continuing their sprinting cycle around the vast racks of puffy dresses and expensive faux leather suits.

"I'm gonna getcha, I'm gonna getcha!" Keigo then swept me up from behind, my legs kicking out as I shrieked and yelped. His arms wrapped around my stomach, nearly making me vomit- I still hadn't told him about the recent nausea. "And, I've caught you!"

I almost spat out, my guts cramping and squeezing together in pain. Keigo's fluttering wings passed the corners of my eyes, as my feet were lifted off the ground. We spun in rapid twirls, the hem of my flared suit pants swimming throughout the air.

Keigo's princess dress got caught on the edge of my stilettos, making me trip and slip down into his arms. The two of us had gotten ready in opposite outfits, primarily adding to the joke factor. "Well, damn! You're really rocking that suit, huh?" he complimented.

"Why do you have to go and say it like that?" my front strands of hair thankfully covered my sour cheeks, falling past my eyebrows as I looked down at the tiled floor. "But, you don't look too bad either."

"Maybe you should wear a dress for our wedding. Oh, oh! We can even hire you as an extra flower girl-"

"No, no!" Keigo yelled in witch cackles, his hands slapping the suffocating itchy dress. We danced around towering mannequins, whispering in their ears as we played our silly games. The buttons on my elegant blazer came loose, causing it to slide slightly down my shoulders.

My sweaty palms hit against the floor as I fell back, the leftover strings of fabric and even some dragged-in pebbles catching onto my skin. I bent my knees and hurled them close to my chest, before floating over a loose veil.

Keigo knelt in front of me, his sharp collarbones exposed and his muscles bulging out of the translucent sleeves. He tilted his head to the side and pecked my lips with gentle kisses, before I suddenly slung the headpiece over his gelled hair.

"You have to look the part." I huffed, brushing aside falling dust bunnies that had fell onto his dramatic petticoat. "Or else, how can you call yourself a bride?"

But when he tried to stand up, the evident sound of tearing stitching echoed throughout the cold room. Keigo and I instantly glanced towards each other, our hands covering our mouths as our eyes peeled open wide. "Oh, my god."

I turned the desperate pro hero around, fumbling past the base of his vermilion wings and trying to catch a glimpse at the ripped fabric. His skin poured out of the tight clothes, making me laugh. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Hawks, and.." I heard the voice of one of the many staff members, telling me that our photoshoot session was prepped and ready to go. "(Y/N)."

She looked up at the two of us, catching an odd sight. My busy hands were delved into the parting hole of Keigo's expensive dress, while he squirmed around and laughed from the unbearable series of tickles. "Oh, dear.." I could read her mind.

"Please, come this way." we followed after her, Keigo's sweaty back making it easy to slide my wrist out. The two of us sounded like elementary school children, giggling and gossiping behind their teacher's back.

We picked at each other's clothes, specifically me mocking his torn dress. From back here, I could easily read our guide's confused mind. Her thoughts usually went along the lines of this.

"Will these two ever settle down?!"

"I didn't know Hawks had a girlfriend.."

"Maybe if they increased my paycheck, this would be tolerable."

The studio looked like sets for movies, a towering green-screen display and heavy machinery scattered all around. Shuttering lamps illuminated and shone their flash on the room, while angered crew members hurried around and tried not to bump into equipment.

Keigo was used to the spotlight, but I had practically zero exposure. He took my hand, dancing with me over to the centerpiece shot. "It's simple, don't you worry about it!" I could barely take him seriously in that wedding dress.

Honestly, I was a bit tense, though I knew that I probably would enjoy the session once it started. It was the first time that I had been yelled at by a man with a heavy foreign accent, startling me and forcing my back to stand up straight. "Alright, alright!"

I wrapped my arms around the pro hero, laughing in his ear and grazing the bulb of my nose against his cheek. Keigo smiled at me and folded his arms, bending his elbows and setting himself up in a casual pose.

The physical world around us started to fade away, as I relaxed and jumped into the temporary fame with open arms. I couldn't hear the calls of the managers, nor could I hear any directional commands they threw at us.

Our beaming grins turned into something real, the forced upturned curve transforming into something more natural and fitting. Keigo and I lost ourselves in each others eyes, and at this point- even I debated if he could read my mind.

His heavy chuckles made me blush, even if my cheeks never showed up visibly flustered and red. I piggy-backed rode the hero in one of the many shots, and in another I was carrying him. These comedic photographs came out perfect, almost too surreal to describe.




That was all I heard, but even the flickering camera was deafened by something. It was nothing more than a song, one that Keigo and I regularly sang to each other. In forms of lullabies or just for the two of us to calm down, it became somewhat of a habit.

My feet never tripped over the base of my tall heels, and he no longer had any problems with his dress. I was so happy, that all of that nausea and pain ceased to exist. Actually, it didn't matter- nothing did.

Only him.


AN; HII IM DOING FINE! my parents are acting as if nothing happened but i improved my security on everything and uninstalled discord off the family computer 🧐🤔

also uhh my dabi and aizawa story are BOTH discontinued, i've come up with a better plot for my aizawa one and for the dabi.. i'm just really not proud of it at all

it was basically my first work and i really hate it, i never check comments that i get on that fic because idk i'm very nervous?

i'll rewrite it, along with the aizawa one (eventually)
i just need to come up with another plot, but i think my new aizawa plot is all set!!

pinka is a real person 😭😭 but we sorta lost touch. though i feel like she didn't put that much effort into our friendship, so i'm not going to chase after someone who doesn't equally want me back

i still love her though, and that's something that will never change.

credit to: Kohei Horikoshi
words: 1207

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