part 7

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«─────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────»

"Mwaaa!" Recovery Girl's iconic kiss, right against the top of my forehead. I woke up in the nurse's office, drawers and private computers aligning the cold room. Folding curtains surrounded my bed, my arms wrapped in tight bandages which cut off my circulation. The ceiling shared comfort with me, at least I wasn't dead. And to top it all off, my series of migraines had dispersed.

I had no broken bones, both of my legs and arms being able to move freely and bend at will. Colorful hues of purple and orange shone through the window, lighting up the room with golden colors and comforting tints. Tilting my head to the side, I was met with two familiar faces. Mr. Aizawa and Hawks, who had both stayed late to ensure my safety and protection.

Sighing loudly, I ignored their serious faces and looked back up at the soothing ceiling. Mr. Aizawa had his arms crossed, his shoulders hunched and tense as he looked down upon the number three hero. It was obvious that they had argued prior to my awakening, Hawks mouth sealed and taped shut.

The smell of unknown medicine and sweet candy made a foul stench, similar to the disgusting toothpaste at every dentist's office. Since there were no serious physical injuries inflicted upon my body, I slid my legs off the side of the hospital bed and got up with ease. Both of my supervisors stayed silent, their intimidating attitudes ruining the calmness of the room.

"Here you go, dear." Recovery Girl extended her hand forth, a cutely-wrapped hard candy lingering in the palm of her hand. It was dressed in strawberry packaging, probably tasting as sweet as real ones too. I popped the flavorful treat into my mouth, the overwhelming sugar factor lingering above the buds of my tongue.

"That's delicious!" I beamed, my glowing cheeks bobbing up as I flashed my imperfect teeth. "Where do you get these?"

"It wouldn't taste as good if I told you, would it?" she laughed, turning my body in unpredictable positions as she examined the treated sores and bandaged wounds. That's when she looked back at the two elephants in the room, their presence making the room turn cold and unwelcoming. "You two need to calm down, you might scare the girl!"

I was still dressed in my training uniform, which was blackened with heavy dirt and pesky rocks. Savoring the awesome of the gifted candy, I pranced over to my two teachers, one permanent and one substitutional. "I'm glad you're okay, (Y/N)." Mr. Aizawa patted my bruised shoulder, his strong hand gripping over.

As Mr. Aizawa talked to me about boring subjects, such as training and other junk, Hawks grew easily annoyed. He folded his vermillion wings, tilting his head to the side and stretching out the exerting pain from the back of his muscular neck. "God damn." he complained, the imaginary zipper on his mouth fading away.

Mr. Aizawa glanced his mean side eye at Hawks, an angered frown forming across his grime-covered face. "Sorry, teach." he apologized.

"No, you go ahead, Hawks. Since you have such important news, right?" Mr. Aizawa smugly grinned, momentarily stepping back and shutting his mouth for the model hero. I stood waiting, my thumbs twiddling together as my fingernails clashed and chipped. I wondered what was so important, Hawks should've left by now, but he stayed present until I woke up.

"First of all, I want to get a few things off my chest." Hawks started, his hand sneakily grabbing a small piece of wrapped candy from Recovery Girl's famous treat box. Peeling off the unique packaging, Hawks popped the cola-flavored dessert into his mouth, the clicking sound of his tongue swirling and slurping over the hard ball becoming annoying.

"You were really good out there." he murmured, a slight part in his lips allowing both of us to angle our vision straight into his slobbery mouth. For a man who was employed at several famous model agencies, Hawks seemed to have no domestic or table manners.

"Holy shit! This is some good ass candy-"

"Whip!" the sound of Mr. Aizawa's carbon fiber scarf slashed against the hero, twirling around him and squeezing his slender body tightly within its unbeatable grasp. Mr. Aizawa's pale eyes flashed a glowing red, his long black hair exposing a rare glimpse of his forehead as it vacuumed up into the sky. "Knock it off, she's a student."

I picked at the end of my bandages, eventually causing it to slightly peel off. Personally, I found Hawks' demeanor to be humorous, so I laughed. I laughed until I couldn't feel my abs anymore, only sharp cramps and unwanted pains lingering in my lower abdomen. Mr. Aizawa treated us like kids, acting as if we had never been exposed to swear words. I swiped my hand down Hawks' shoulder, both of us bursting out in cries of howling laughter.

Eventually being let go, Hawks tried not to make a single sound with his annoying tongue. Though, the expressions he made while doing so made it even worse. A river of drool flowed beside his salivating mouth, all of the open laughter and witch-like cackles turning his soft lips into something messy. "(Y/N), was it? That's a nice name, it's got a good ring!"

I froze at the compliment, the thought of being praised by my number one idol only appearing possible to me in uncommon dreams. "Oh, um.." I blushed, the insides of my cheeks radiating out a sour candy taste as I felt my face turn heated and flush red. "Thanks." but I wondered if that was it, if he only stayed to compliment my work.

"Are you reading my mind right now? If you are, then I guess my surprise is ruined." he commented, but I was too tired and weakened to even use my quirk. I shook my head, turning it from left-to-right as I debunked his remark. "That's good news, then." Hawks was finally about to spit it out, the news he had been waiting to tell ever since I passed out.

"You're in luck, kid! From this day on, you'll get to work as my assistant." he extended his gloved hand forward, but I didn't know what to say. Maybe I pushed myself too far at training, and this was just a dream that I was experiencing in a week-long coma. It had to be, right? I furrowed my eyebrows, my face screaming confusion. "Did she hear me?" he asked Mr. Aizawa, my teacher who desperately wanted to go home and rest.

"I'm taking you under my wing, (Y/N)."

"Let's fly free, together!"


AN; if you're experiencing writers block try listening to undertake music, maybe that's how i was able to write this in like 40-50 minutes idk

credit to: n9poison on Twitter
words: 1156

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