part 52

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"I missed this place!" I took in a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scent of home. Keigo chuckled behind my back, rolling in the hard-cased luggage. The blinding sun shone through the sheer curtains, which were being effortlessly rocked by our running air conditioning.

"It's only been a week, though!" Keigo laughed, shutting the heavy wooden door behind him. I turned around swiftly, the hem of my dress twirling in a spin as I giggled and ran around the living room with my bare feet.

"I know, but it feels different." I gazed out the towering windows, spying at the chattering crowds below. Innocent civilians populating the street, rushing to their workplaces as if nothing had changed.

My fingertips pressed against the glass, which had been warmed from the sun's harsh rays. Keigo swarmed my stomach with his hands, slipping his fingers beneath my shirt and exploring the surface of my skin.

He left trails of nibbling kisses against the side of my neck, before rubbing the bulb of his nose into my hair and looking out the window with me. My knees flinched and tried not to wobble, as I laughed it off.

"Damn, I have work tomorrow." he grunted, complaining into my ear and pulling away.

"Breaks just don't exist, do they?" I turned around, grabbing a tight hold of his tensed wrist. Keigo had his fist in a clench, his eyebrows furrowing with frustration as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Naahh." Keigo slightly frowned, before moving one foot in front of the other and approaching back towards me. "Paris was my break." he tilted his head down, our foreheads hitting together.

"Was it worth it?" I giggled, his long eyelashes filling me with somewhat of a jealous feeling. Ever now and then I wondered how a man could be so pretty, his flawless shoulder freckles and healing burn scars only added to his series of beautiful imperfections.

"Is that even a real question?" Keigo smirked, our noses grazing together as I felt his hot breath tickle my cheeks. "Hell yeah, it was worth it!"

"I'd do anything and everything for you." Keigo caressed his gentle fingers beneath my skin, before tilting my face up and planting a passionate kiss upon my chapped lips. "I hate to admit it, but you've got me wrapped around your pretty little finger."

"Oh, really?" I laughed, cupping his delicate face within the freezing palms of my hands. "I guess the feeling's mutual, then." we grinned, feeling down each other's shoulders and slowly skating off our clothes.

I lifted up my arms, allowing Keigo to slide off the dirty shirt I had worn onto the airplane. I peeked back down at the street, desperately looking around and not knowing what to do if someone managed to see.

"Quit focusing on that." he hushed, before sweeping me off my naked feet with the heave of an arm. Keigo's fingers gripped firmly onto the bottom of my thighs, pulling me closer and hitting our hips together. "Focus on me!"

"Only, me.." he demanded.

I nodded my head and took a deep breath, my thumbs fiddling all over the place as I tried to quickly catch up with the pro hero and undo his buttoned shirt. He traced my neck with the tips of his fingers, before adding his lips into the mix.

I leaned my head back against the glass, whimpering softly as Keigo delved into the side of my neck. Low coos erupted out from my throat, as I tried to peel my shut eyes back open and finish unbuttoning.

His teasing pecks and nibbles drove me insane, causing me to lose everything. I forcibly tore the fabric of his shirt, ripping open every tight stitch and exposing his chiseled abs. I could just feel the frame of his mischievous grin rubbing over my skin.

Keigo got a better hold of me, slightly picking me up more and pressing me harder against the crystal glass. I curled my toes and wrapped my legs around the pro hero, his hands guiding mine upwards and over my head.

He tied my undressed into a knot, stuffing it into my mouth to muffle out my humming moans and heavy breaths. My knees wobbled and my heart fluttered with ecstasy, an increasing level of heat wandering in-between my spread thighs.

Keigo's fingers trailed down my ticklish forearms, causing me to squirm and jitter within his inescapable grasp. We shared occasional giggles, though mine were muffled and stuffy. He leaned my body forward, reaching his hands behind my back.

I heard the buckle clasp of my bra come undone, before its lace straps fell and ended up finding themselves tossed onto the glazed wooden floorboards. Now, I was terrified- but I still didn't look back.

My eyes locked with Keigo's hands, excitedly anticipating every coming move. I wanted to yell at him and beg for more, but every sound I made came out as a mere murmur. Though despite this, he could easily tell what I was trying to say.

"Do you want it here?" Keigo whispered into my ear, before carrying me up with a sheet of vermilion feathers and trailing his lips down to a random spot on my arm. I shook my head rapidly, my loud cries telling him no.

"Here?" he laughed, hopping his mouth over to the other arm. "Come on, if you want it so badly- then just say it already!"

"I can't read your mind, y'know?" he continued to tease me, which only ticked me off even more. Keigo switched from different spots of my body, all of those areas avoiding and straying far away from the one that mattered most.

"Or, here-"

"There, Keigo! I want it there." I used my telepathy, hoping it would reach him. The illuminated spark on his face was all I needed, in order for me to confirm that my message was received. I directed the glare of my eyes down between my legs.

"Sheesh! You can be so demanding sometimes, (Y/N)." he prolonged our useless bickering, but instantly broke it off once he saw the angered look on my face. "Alright, alright! Have it your way."

"I'll give you what you want."

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