part 4

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«─────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────»

I bumped my forehead against the cold locker, staring at the solid blue uniform which was loose-fitting on my body. Chipped paint wiped off against my skin, leaving black flakes which stuck to my frozen pores. The deafening sounds of smashing locker doors and clinks of locking metal hurt my ears, my hyper senses burning and stinging as every girl in the room teased each other and laughed.

The sound of shoes scuffing against the floor and crinkling chip bags were all muted by my head, which wouldn't clear as much as I tried to. Ochako and Tsuyu crowded around me, the fragrance of their borrowed perfume and coconut deodorant easily getting picked up by my nose. Cold water skated down the sides of their cheeks, telling me they had just splashed their face at the basin.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm worried about you, y'know?" Ochako comforted me, patting my hunched back down with her hands that were slimy with exchanged lotion.

The snap of button towels and forced zippers behind me made me look up, Jirou's quiet humming competing and battling with Hagakure's loud chewing. She was digging into a granola bar, her gym uniform freshly sprayed over with expensive body freshener. I curled my knuckles upwards, gazing down at my bruised fingers. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just nervous, I think."

Tsuyu wrapped her long arms around me, the tip of her pink tongue sticking out from the corner of her soft lips. The dry-fit fabric of our clothes rubbed against each other, creating friction and warmth between us. "Trust me, (Y/N). You'll be fine, ribbit." she gripped onto my hands, holding my clammy fingers close to her beating heart.

I twisted my body, my back arching slightly as I panned the room for my water bottle. Picking it up with the usage of my quirk, I floated the heavy flask over into my sweaty palms. "Mhm." I drank from the metal jug, only replenishing whatever little amount of thirst I had as a way to drive my mind and thoughts off the worry of training with a pro hero. "We're in this together, I know that."

"That's right!" Ochako boosted up her shining fist, the split-end tips of her bobbed hair bouncing up.

A girlish shriek made the three of us jump back on our unsteady feet. "What the hell, Mineta?!" You're such a perv!" Hagakure screamed from the other side of the room, her and Yaomomo shielding their unconverted bodies with soft cotton towels. Jirou used her quirk to electrocute Mineta's short body from the opposite side of the wall.

"Aahh!" the sound of static and broken television buzzed, Mineta's terrible lisp not showing up in his petrifying screech. Tsuyu and I ran towards the other girls, holding up the edges of their clean towels as we scanned around the room for any more spy cameras. "I just wanted to see Yaoyorozu's big boobs." he continued, making us all roll our eyes in disgust.

"Are you okay?!" I asked Yaomomo, the expensive rag she brought acting as a barrier. Her black hair wasn't gathered into a high ponytail like it was once, now she allowed it to fall freely and reach her mid-back. Yaomomo's skin condition matched Hawks', the same clarity and glow reflecting off both of their cheeks. She sighed and took a deep breath, smiling at me for coming to her aid.

"Thank you, (Y/N). I think it's sad that we have to deal with someone like Mineta."  she frowned, pulling the dry-fit uniform over her sharp shoulders. Only a few imperfections could be seen on her skin, like faded bruises and unknown lead marks drawn from mechanical pencils. I nodded my head in agreement, Hagakure's loud chewing finally settling down.

"Wait, guys. I have a lot of snack bars if you want!" her bubbly voice rang. At first, I didn't know what to think of Hagakure, she's entirely invisible after all. But after the first semester, I feel as if the two of us have grown to be decent friends.

All of us except for Mina lined up, she wasn't present in the changing room anymore. One by one we were given snack-bars, precaution being taken before Hagakure lent us a wrapper packaging. "Are you guys allergic to anything?" she asked us all, deciding whether or not she could give us ones with nuts or chocolate.

"Nah, but I just want a small one. If I eat too much before working out I get really sick." I chuckled, all five of my fingers stretching outwards as I patiently waited for Hagakure to finish shuffling through her pink changing bag. Tsuyu and Ochako were already digging into theirs, the combination of their obnoxious chewing and loud smacking driving me wild.

I decided to save the energy snack for later, not wanting to accidentally jinx myself and face the excruciating cramps. As I waited for Ochako and Tsuyu to finish their last bite, the caramel honey between the layers making it hard to chew and swallow, Mina decided to pop back into the crowded changing room.

"You guys, come on!" she pushed, flailing out her pink hands and signaling us, telling that we needed to hurry up and leave. "Hawks is gonna cancel training us if we take too long, and I really want to see him in action!"

Tsuyu and I wandered out of the room, peeking our open eyes around the corner as we hinted signs at Ochako. She was a slow eater, savoring every varied taste that the nutritional bar had to offer. Now she was worried, though. Ochako was hardly chewing her food thoroughly, just stuffing it into her mouth and swallowing it all in one big gulp. "I'm here!" she ran towards us, her words muffled and almost inaudible as she munched on the last piece.

I reached for her pale hand, which was sticky and covered in leftover granola. Shaking it off as best as I could, I entwined my clean fingers with Ochako's opposite ones, dragging her with me as Tsuyu and I sprinted towards the center of the empty training gym.

"Let's hurry, guys! Ribbit."

"Come on Cha, we're going to be late!"

"Mmph, I'm sorry!"


AN; i had a dream where i was in a grocery store and wanting to buy a dog?? like a pet dawg.. and then the cashier pulled out a japanese test and told me to take it 😐

credit to: mixe_mirai on Instagram
words: 1092

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