☼Bonus Letters☼

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Hey guys! I decided that I would write these bonus letters that Sarrin and Iroh wrote for each other during the time he was gone because they were originally going to be included in the book. However, I decided to cut this book about five chapters shorter than I planned, but that was because I was so stressed out updating almost every day when I was writing this lol that I just needed this to be over lol. The song above reminded me of them, so that's why I put it in there. It's a really good song, and it resembled them a lot lol. I hope you enjoy these letters! Thank you so much for reading!! Also, if you guys loved Iroh and Sarrin so much, you should go check out Winter Scarves, my Mako book. In a few chapters, they will make a little cameo, which is pretty exciting lol. Again, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy these letters!


Dear General Iroh,

The apartment seems so much quieter with you gone. It seems so much darker in here, too. I leave the windows open, trying to get as much light in here, but it's different without you here. The birds don't chirp as loud as they used to, and the sun isn't as bright as it used to be. Maybe it's because I miss you. 

It's only been two days since you left, and I can't imagine spending any more time without you here. How much longer do you have? Please give me only wrong answers; I don't want to think about the truth right now.

I feel like I'm encroaching on your space now that you're gone. Yesterday, Reng gave me a real dining table since we used your desk to eat on. I wasn't sure if I should have said no to him because this is your apartment and all, but I agreed to take it. It's a little big for your small apartment, but I think it looks great. It looks homier than it did when I first moved in here. 

I'm sorry that this letter sounds a little awkward. It's currently midnight, and I can't sleep. I decided to write this letter to you because I miss you and there's nothing else for me to do. I don't even know if I'll send you this or not. When I read it in the morning, I'll probably cringe because of how needy I sound. If I do end up sending this to you, I hope you will answer me. If you don't, I'll know that I am correct and that this is terrible and I promise that I will stop.

I guess I should be going to bed now. I had a long day, and I should be exhausted, but it's physically impossible for me to go to sleep. I think it's because I'm not used to being in an apartment all alone. You made me feel safe, and now that you're gone . . .

I'll be fine. I promise. I hope to hear from you soon.

- Sarrin


Dear Sarrin,

You have no idea how much your letter means to me. It brightened my day when I saw that I got a letter from you. Also, it was the first letter I have ever gotten, so it's pretty special to me. The people I'm training were very surprised that I got a letter, so thank you for making them converge around me like a pack of otter penguins. They have heard the rumors that I'm a boring person outside of this, but now I'm the talk of the town.

I give all credit to you. You make me who I am. Please don't be too sad that I will be gone for a while. When I get back, we will have forever to spend together. I promise you that.

Eagerly await your next letter,

General Iroh


Do whatever you want to our apartment. It isn't mine anymore. It hasn't been just mine for a long time. 


Dear General Iroh, 

I wish it didn't take long for our letters to reach each other. It's been almost four months since you left, and I miss you more every single day. Reng has been coming over a lot to spend time with me because you've been gone. I feel like there's something else to it, but he hasn't told me anything yet. 

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