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Something had changed the night Sarrin cried in front of Iroh. There was an unspoken agreement between the two of them. If one of them was feeling down, the other would try their hardest to make them happy again. If one of them was on top of the world, the other would join them and celebrate. Whatever happened to them, they vowed to face the battles together.

Even if Sarrin had the tiniest of feelings for Iroh, she was glad they were friends. He cared for her and wanted what was best for her. She didn't have friends before unless she counted Jizak. And if she did count him, he was the worst friend she ever had. He cheated on her multiple times and wouldn't let her do what she wanted. She was glad that she found out now because she deserved so much better than that. 

The weekend had finally come. Sarrin was bummed out because Reng wasn't open on the weekends. She didn't want to be a sitting duck at the hotel. Working had made her hands busy, and now they weren't busy at all. They needed to be busy.

"What are you planning on doing today?" Iroh asked after stepping out of the bathroom. He had on civilian clothes instead of his uniform. His hair was still dripping from his quick shower, letting droplets of water fall to his shoulders and the floor around his bare feet. 

"What are you doing today?" Sarrin asked, raising her eyebrows. "I thought you had to work today."

"I took the day off."

Sarrin frowned. "Why?"

Iroh ran a hand through his wet hair, spraying water in a line next to him. The wood floor turned a little darker because of the stain. "Those people stress me out. I needed a break from them."

Sarrin laughed. She had already taken a shower and gotten dressed even though she had nowhere to go. "I'm surprised you can take days off since you're in the United Forces. I thought you have to do everything they say."

"Since I'm a general, they are more lenient on me. However, I have to keep my radio on me in case something happens." He lifted a rectangular object. The early sunlight bounced off the dark metal. "If something did happen, I would have to go back to the ship."

"That makes sense."

Iroh nodded and set his radio down on the table next to the bed. He sat down on the bed, leaning against the pillows with his eyes closed. His arms were crossed over his chest, but he looked very calm. 

"Is that all you're doing today?" Sarrin asked, a smile playing on her face. She also leaned against the pillows on her side, but she faced Iroh. 

"It's all that I want to do. I am tired."

"Did you have a long night out on the town?"

He opened his eyes, giving her a look. "I was here with you. Of course, it wasn't a long night. I went to sleep before you did."

She laughed. "You tossed and turned all night, so you probably didn't have a restful sleep."

"This bed isn't as comfortable as mine." Iroh patted the mattress under him with a frown on his face. "I couldn't sleep because my back was killing me."

"Oh, you don't think this bed is comfortable?" Sarrin asked, surprised. "I love it."

"Are you saying that the bed I provided for you isn't as comfortable as this?"

"No, not at all!" Sarrin said quickly. She shook her head to emphasize her point. "I'm just saying that this bed is very comfortable. My bed at home is also very comfortable."

Iroh stared at her, a small smile appearing on his face. He turned onto his side to face her as well. "You call my apartment your home?"

"Well, it's the place where I'm living right now," she said. Her heart picked up speed at the question. "It is my home, and your home, too."

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