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Sarrin's short hair hung in damp clumps around her bare shoulders in Iroh's tiny bathroom. A small mirror was bolted to the wall, but she avoided her reflection. It was pretty easy because she had had a hot bath, and the steam coated the mirror in a small film. Small droplets slowly rolled down the length of the mirror, almost like they were racing. 

During her bath, Sarrin regretted her decision about agreeing to be his roommate. She was sure she had some money in her old apartment. She had made a plan to go back to her old apartment when her ex wasn't home to get her money and her items and leave. Even if she didn't have a lot of money, she would still find an apartment, whether it is dingy or not. She didn't need to stay with this man she didn't even know. He would understand why. Hopefully.

The small bathroom was just like the living room of his apartment. There wasn't much in there that signified that someone lived here. Nothing besides the mirror adorned the walls. When she pulled open the drawers, she found nothing in there. What type of man didn't have anything in his house? Yes, he was a general, but why would he not have any items? It was almost like he didn't live there; it was almost like he just owned it.

Sarrin knelt on the ground and plunged her hands into the water. She patted around until she found her clothes. They were nasty, so she decided to wash them in her bath water. Now, she had to hang them up, but she didn't know what with. Her eyes scanned the small bathroom, and she found a small window above the bath. She stood on her tip-toes and used all her strength to shove it open. She guessed that Iroh had never opened that window before. Sarrin slung her clothes over the side of the window, letting them hang. 

She wasn't completely naked; she had on her underclothes. That was why she felt justified to walk out of the bathroom and into the hallway. The warm air floated through the window she had opened. Dust particles wafted in the sunlight as she walked down the hall. With every step, more dust flew up toward the ceiling before slowly falling like snow. Iroh didn't live here, she guessed. But why would he have an apartment if he didn't live here?

Sarrin entered the kitchen and stood in the doorway, taking in everything. The light cabinets hung along the wall. There was a large picture window on the far wall, allowing the sunlight to filter in through the buildings around it. Opening one of the cabinets, she was not surprised to find nothing in there. She wanted to make him a meal before she left, but he didn't have any food in this place. She was still hungry, too. 

With a sigh, Sarrin exited the kitchen. She stepped into the small bedroom that Iroh said was hers. A bed was shoved in the far corner, and it was neatly made. A dark-colored duvet sat on top of the bed. A small dresser was against the other wall. She sunk onto the bed with a sigh. It was very comfortable, and it would've been nice to sleep in. However, she had already made her decision to leave.

Suddenly, the door slammed shut. Sarrin jumped up and peeked out into the living room. Iroh was bent over, untying his boots. She needed to be quiet to get back to the bathroom, but when she took her first step, the floorboard creaked under her foot. Iroh whirled around, and his eyes went wide. Color painted his cheeks at the sight of her. He ducked his head, not meeting her eyes. 

"I see you got a bath," he said. 


"And you also cleaned your clothes."


Sarrin was mortified. Yes, her ex-boyfriend had seen her naked before, but that was when they were ready. She knew him, yet she didn't know Iroh at all. She lunged toward the bathroom and shut the door behind her. However, he knocked on the door, saying, "If your clothes aren't dry, you can borrow some of mine."

"You have things in this apartment?" she asked, cracking the door open. He leaned against the wall, staring forward. Her eyes landed on his strong jaw before traveling to his cheeks and nose and eyes. He was a handsome man, even if he was severely stoic. "Can you bring me a shirt and pants, please?"

The Bridegroom [Iroh II]Where stories live. Discover now