He's Frozen Them Off Balance

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Context of this photo is Midnight and Ember, middle school, a time when Midnight never thought her quirk would be able to be used in combat, the reason why I'm explaining this will be revealed in this part.

Explaining how the sports festival worked, All Might quickly pointed towards Deku "You'll have plenty of opportunities to sell yourself!"

"I guess" Deku spoke, his voice quiet and unsure. All Might threw himself back, tipping on the sofa in disbelief "I'm sorry, I mean what your saying is absolutely correct All Might!" He called out, before he moved into his muttering, that All Might had grown so used to listening to. "God, no body is better at spouting word vomit than you, kid" All Might spoke, breaking him out of his daze

"Uh, hey, are you ok?" All Might moved his gaze to Deku, his head still lying on the floor

"Some hero's always aim for the top, while others happily settle" he explained, moving his head up "The difference between those mindsets is how good you'd do in the world" Deku's face turned sad "I understand how you feel, and I may even be projecting a bit of myself onto you" there was a slight pause "However, I hope you haven't forgotten your emotions you felt on the beach after our training"

A clock ticked, "Why the heck are you all here?!" Ururaka called out looking at the students swarming at the door. "Do you students have some sort of business with our class?" Iida questioned professionally.

"You're blocking our doorway, I won't let you hold us hostage!" Mineta called out.

"They're scouting out the competition idiots" Bakugo spoke, stepping towards the crowd. "We're the class that survived a real villain attack, they wanna see us with there own eyes" He stopped just before them "At least now you know what a future pro looks like" His ruby gaze moved to the crowd "Now, move it extra's"

"You can't go around calling people extra's just because you don't know who they are!" Iida called out.

"So, this is class 1A, I heard you guys were impressive" A man with purple hair pushed through the crowd, his eyes looked tired and his face didn't give a shit of any situation ever. "But you just sound like an ass, is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?" The classmate's stood behind Bakugo began waving their hands to say no. When Bakugo just grew more mad "How sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs" he scratched the back of his neck "I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others I was forced to take another track" his paused, looking at Bakugo "Such as life, I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance" he tilted his head "If any of us do good in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us into the hero course" he paused almost like he was trying to create an atmosphere "And they'll have to transfer people out to try to make room" he continued to speak. Basically, scaring the everyone, suddenly another guy began to shout and Bakugo moved to leave "Hey dude where are you going?" Kirishima ran out "You gotta say something, you're the reason they're hating on us Bakugo" He stopped turning his head slightly "These people don't matter" He spoke, causing Kirishima to let out a noise in confusion "The only thing that's important is that I beat them" he pushed through the crowd once again, finally walking away.

"I hate that that was such a manly exit" Kirishima sighed, the whole class began to worry about it all. But Deku just watched from afar his thoughts clogging with doubts. "Deku!" A voice suddenly called out, he gasped and looked up at the crowd. A purple skinned girl began to push through the crowd "What is going on, it's like we're celebrities or something" she stood at the door her gaze moving to the purple haired boy next to her "Oh, hey Shinsou" He nodded his head at her.

"You know everyone?!" Deku called out and she turned her green eyes to Deku, he face clueless "Obviously I told you that-" Shinsou covered her mouth, and she looked up at him confused. He moved his hand away and walked off "Mysterious" She muttered and turned her gaze to Deku, he was practically shaking holding back his tears. Ember let out a smile quickly walking towards him and holding out her arms, he ran to her, the two collided in a hug. "Ember your back!" Ururaka called out and all the class smiled at her, she began to shrink Deku's hold letting out an awkward laugh.

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