You Sure?

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Ururaka used her quirk on her and look at her vibing

"You can't send one of us home" the girl with pink cheeks spoke "we just go here, this is the first day that isn't fair"

"And you think natural disasters are? Are power hungry villains? Are catastrophic accidents that wipe out while cities? No, the world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness, if you wanna be a pro your gonna have to push yourself to the brink" Aizawa continued his monologue. And I looked down at Izuku, his face was filled with fear that you could see he was trying to hide. "Show me it's not mistake that your here" I watched as everyone all prepared themselves for the challenges.

It all set off and me and Deku watched as the everyone all began to do the challenges. Me and Deku were up against Bakugo, I stood on his shoulders as we both braced each other. The loud bang sounded and Deku began running Bakugo using his quirk, "Ember run!" I flipped off his shoulders grabbing Deku's collar and sprinted. "5.13 seconds" Bakugo stopped to stare back at us "5.15 seconds" his gaze turned sour as I stared up at him. "Using someone else to help you, pathetic" he grumbled.

The next challenge was a grip challenge, I stared down at his hands looking at the machine measuring it "you've got to be careful with what you order me to do here" I spoke he looked up at me, I curled my hand into a fist and back to normal repeatedly "if you order me to grip that the hardest I can I will, and it'll break your hand" Izuku looked down at the machine after looking at my clawed hand. "I'll do this myself then" I furrowed my brows

"You sure?" He nodded his head then clenched the machine "oh" it read '56.0kg' he sighed while the guy from across the room shouted "wow! You hit 540kg?!" I moved my head to a guy with many hands that was hiding his face with a mask "you've got crazy strength" turning my gaze back Deku was looking down at his one his face broken.

Next task, the standing long jump. "It's gotta be your feet that touch right?" He nodded his head and I stared at him confused of what to do. "What if you jump backwards, then spin in the air?" I looked at him and nodded, I grabbed his collar and turned around, I quickly jumped in the air, backflipping I landed on my feet and Deku did too. "Ah! That was amazing!" I cheered and Deku sighed "not enough" I drooped my ears and began to walk away.

Repeated side steps, he failed in. Then it was onto the ball throw, the girl from before threw her ball which landed to infinity. Deku held the ball looking down at it, we had failed most of the challenges so I could feel the pressure he was feeling. "If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon he's gonna be the one going home"

"Of course he is, he's a quirk less looser using another person to help him"

"He has a quirk, and it's her" I gazed at them all "did you see what she did in the entrance exam? She can't do anything without him" it was like his life was flashing before his eyes. "Ember when I throw hit my arm so it goes higher!" He began to throw it and my eyes widened at his order. But I didn't move he threw the ball and it landed on the floor, he turned to me and his eyes widened "Ember what's happened?" I looked down at my spots, they shone white. "I erased your quirk" we gazed over to Aizawa, his scarfs were flying around him "the judges for this exam were not rational enough" his gaze fell on Izuku "Someone like you should never be able to enrol in this school"

"You did what to her?" He stopped and then flinched "that's what she meant by eraser head" he explained his quirk, he's able to remove quirks by looking at someone. "Your not ready, you don't have control of her power" Deku gasped "were you planning to break your arm with her going for it?"

"No that's not what I was trying to do" suddenly a scarf wrapped around Deku and he was pulled towards Aizawa. "No matter what your intentions are, you'd be nothing more than a liability in battle" I quickly moved over to them "you have the same wreckless passion as another hero I know. But even with that drive, your worthless is you can only throw one punch with her" he held out his hand "Sorry Midoriya with your attitude you can never become a hero" he released Izuku "I can take you for now Ember" I looked away from his hand and grabbed Deku's shoulder my spots glowing green. "I've still not taken that throw, Aizawa" I pulled Izuku towards the circle. His face looked lifeless and I looked at him "tell me how far to throw it" Deku looked up at me his eyes wide. "I've made an oath to let you become a hero, your surely mistaken if I'm gonna give up on you now" I stared towards Aizawa and pointed "your gonna listen to that run down old man?" I say a small smile grow on Aizawa's lips "TELL ME TO THROW THE BALL-"

"THROW IT AS FAR AD YOU CAN EMBER!" I smiled and then threw the ball with all the might his order granted me. The ball flew into the sky, and I turned to Aizawa smiling at him. "You see Aizawa, we're still standing" Deku spoke all his confidence flooding back to him.

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